在通过JPA方式call store procedure的时候,可能出现java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01002: fetch out of sequence 错误。原因大概如下: 当多次执行相同的SQL语句,然后以不同的顺序获取结果集时,可能会出现此错误。这是因为Oracle数据库为每个结果集维护了一个预期的获取顺序(fetch sequence),当实际获取结果的过程与预期的...
ORA-01002错误是Oracle数据库中的一个常见错误,其完整错误信息为“fetch out of sequence”。这个错误通常发生在PL/SQL游标(Cursor)的使用过程中,当尝试从一个游标中获取数据,但该游标的数据集已经被完全读取或者游标的状态不正确时,就会触发此错误。 2. 可能导致ORA-01002错误的常见原因 游标数据已完全读取:在循环...
ORA-01002: fetch out of sequence Cause: This error means that a fetch has been attempted from a cursor which is no longer valid. Note that a PL/SQL cursor loop implicitly does fetches, and thus may also cause this error. There are a number of possible causes for this error, including:...
ORA-01002: fetch out of sequence 是Oracle数据库中一个通用的错误代码,该错误表明当前操作被中断,...
ORA-01002: fetch out of sequence Cause: This error means that a fetch has been attempted from a cursor which is no longer valid. Note that a PL/SQL cu
Oracle 通过 gateway dblink 打通和 sqlserver的连接。用户能够直接访问oracle获得sqlserver的数据。 关键问题 select * from dbo.Alarm@LINK_ASDWMS > ORA-01002: fetch out of sequence ORA-02063: preceding line from LINK_ASDWMS > 时间: 0.353s
fetch out of sequence Cause This error means that a fetch has been attempted from a cursor which is no longer valid. Note that a PL/SQL cursor loop implicitly does fetches, and thus may also cause this error. There are a number of possible causes for this error, including: Fetching from...
ORA-01002: fetch out of sequence ORA-06512: at line 8 原来,脚本里包含两个表的两个cursor,然后分别对每个表打开cursor然后对此表做一些dml,每隔若干行rollback(这是因为此PLSQL脚本还在测试阶段,所以需要rollback)。 然而,问题就出在,对表A作为dml后,在循环完成的最后没有写“rollback”,这就导致了对表A的...
ORA-01002 提取违反顺序 ORA-01002 ORA-01002: fetch out of sequence Cause: This error means that a fetch has been attempted from a cursor which is no longer valid. Note that a PL/SQL cursor loop implicitly ...
ORA-01002:fetch超出序列 (fetch out of sequence) 原因(Cause): 这个错误的意思是获取(fetch)游标,但游标无效。注意,PL/SQL隐含游标循环不能fetch,从而导致此错误。该错误可能包括下面原因: (This error means that a fetch has been attempted from a cursor which is no longer valid. Note that a PL/SQL...