Error Messages Oracle Database Database Error MessagesRelease 23ai Updated Sep 9, 2024 ORA-01002 fetch out of sequence Cause A fetch was attempted from a cursor that is no longer valid. A PL/SQL cursor loop implicitly does fetches, and thus may also cause this error. Possible causes for...
SELCT ... FOR UPDATE只在托管事务的上下文中有意义,因为它需要在所选行上释放锁。
$this->result) { return true; } echo 'closeCursor2 line:'.__LINE__.$this->_sth; // emulate it by fetching and discarding rows, similarly to what PDO does in this case // @link // @link
create table S_Depart ( DepartId INT not null , DepartName NVARCHAR2(...
1、显示慢日志是否开启 show variables like ‘%slow_query_log%’ 2、查询超过多少秒才记录 show...
void main() { FILE *infile, *outfile; char *buf = NULL; long length; &n...