ORA-00917 是 Oracle 数据库中的一个常见错误代码,表示在 SQL 语句中缺少了一个必需的逗号(,)。这个错误通常出现在 INSERT、SELECT、UPDATE 等 SQL 语句中,当在列名或值列表中没有正确使用逗号分隔时,就会触发此错误。 2. 可能导致ORA-00917错误的常见原因 INSERT 语句中列名或值列表缺少逗号: sql INSERT INTO...
Oracle ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected 2019-12-02 23:22 − 不同于 MySQL,请检查 from 之前显示的字段,尤其是 AS 命名符号的引用。在 Oracle 中单引 AS 'XXX’ 是错误的,需要修改为双引 "XXX" 或者是干脆去掉 '' 错误写法: select t.user_name as 'name'... niceyoo 0 ...
https://deadzq.github.io/oracle/Oracle.html 我的oracle笔记1 https://deadzq.github.io/oracle/Oracle2.html oracle触发器 数据库就是用户存放数据,访问数据,操作数据的存储仓库 用户的各种数据被存放在数 Oracle Oracle Active DataGuard Oracle to Oracle配置 Oracle Active DataGuard Oracle to Oracle Active...
简介:oracle ORA-00917: missing comma 是因为少逗号,而且不是网上盛传的空格问题!都是传言误人啊 oracle ORA-00917: missing comma 是因为少逗号,而且不是网上盛传的空格问题!都是传言误人啊
Getting the following issue while inserting to jv_snapshot. Using Oracle 12c DB. Same is working in H2. Javers Version: 5.7.4 org.javers.common.exception.JaversException: SQL_EXCEPTION: ORA-00917: missing comma while executing sql: INSERT INTO jv_snapshot ( type, global_id_fk, commit_fk,...
Error Messages Oracle Database Database Error MessagesRelease 23ai Updated Sep 9, 2024 ORA-00917 missing comma Cause A required comma has been omitted from a list of columns or values in an INSERT statement or a list of the form ((C,D),(E,F), ...). Action Correct the syntax....
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION FIND_IN_SET(piv_str1 varchar2, piv_str2 varchar2, p_sep varchar2 ...
Oracle / PLSQL:ORA-00917 Error Message Learn the cause and how to resolve the ORA-00917 error message in Oracle. Description When you encounter an ORA-00917 error, the following error message will appear: ORA-00917: missing comma Cause ...
I know this is about 6 years too late, but in case anyone (like me) stumbles upon this error - it looks like this is an Oracle bug related to the CURSOR_SHARING database parameter. The workaround for this bug is to change the parameter to EXACT. It's listed as bug # 9877980 on ...
Didn't think you needed the "FROM DUAL" in an insert statement Subramanyeswara 2010/8/21 yes, we need "from dual" .Thanks! Oracle Database Oracle is an object-relational database management system. It supports a large number of languages and application development frameworks. Its primary la...