Oracle建表标识符无效ORA-00904: invalid identifier CREATE TABLE SALARY( EMPID number notnull, EMPNAME Varchar2(20), EMPSALARY number, HIREDATE DATE, PRIMARY KEY(EMPID), ); INSERT INTO SALARY VALUES(1,'蒋xx',1015.32,to_DATE('19950702','YYYYMMDD')); COMMIT; SELECT* FROM SALARY; 以上怎么运...
11:08:48,109 - Unsuccessful: create table SCS_MODULER_CLIENT_JAR (SUB_ID number( 19,0) not null, DESC varchar2(500), CREATE_DATE date, UPDATE_US ER varchar2(30), UPDATE_DATE date, RESERVED varchar2(30), primary key (SUB_ID)) 11:08:48,109 - ORA-00904: : invalid identifier 对...
一般情况下,标识符错误是因为:语句中的列名在表中不存在,修改sql语句或者修改列名即可。 特殊情况 一般情况下,建表语句如下: create table student( id int, name varchar2(100) ) 但是如果建表语句写成了: create table student( "id" int, "name" varchar2(100) ) 若给列名加了双引号,表的列名查看时仍...
Oracle建表标识符无效ORA-00904: invalid identifier 2015-08-07 12:20 − CREATE TABLE SALARY( EMPID number not null, EMPNAME Varchar2(20), EMPSALARY number, HIREDATE DATE, PRIMARY KEY(EMPID), ); ... 动如参与商 0 16156 merge into报0RA-00904 无效的标识符 2015-03-27 17:51 −...
create table Test ( "Id" varchar2(1000) ) select Id from Test; -- ORA-00904: "ID": 标识符无效 select "id" from Test; -- ORA-00904: "id": 标识符无效 select "Id" from Test; -- pass 如果你没加双引号的话,字段显示应该是全大写的 create table Test2 ( id varchar2(1000) ); 尝试...
oracle创建表空间语句: create tablespace shopping –创建一个叫shopping的表空间 datafile ...
2013-01-03 16:31 −执行如下SQL 出现以下ERROR 1 create or replace procedure P_DISTABLE_FK(IN_TABLE in varchar2) is 2 --失效 输入表名称的外键 3 V_SQL VARCHAR2(200) ; 4 V_FK VARCHAR2... 王超_cc 0 4433 解决ORA-00904: invalid identifier标识符无效 ...
Create table fails with ORA-00904: : invalid identifier SQL> create table test (ROWID ROWID);create table test (ROWID ROWID) *ERROR at line 1:ORA-00904: : invalid identifier ChangesCauseSign In To view full details, sign in with your My Oracle Support account. Register Don't have a ...
ORA-00904 Invalid Identifier Create Table You can get this “invalid identifier” error when you create a table. Consider this example: CREATETABLEbooks(CONSTRAINTbook_id NUMBER(5)PRIMARYKEY,title VARCHAR2(100)); I’ve tried to create a table called books, with a book_id and a title. Howe...
ERROR: Error attempting to CREATE a DBMS table. ERROR: ORACLE execute error: ORA-00904: : invalid identifier.. To work around the problem, you must rename the variables, using names that are not Oracle reserved words. To find out the Oracle reserved words for the version of the database ...