造成ORA-00600 [4000]错误的主要原因是因为系统掉电,或者数据库恢复不完全,导致system表空间的一些位的状态异常,导致bootstrap无法正常情况.以下是通过bbed方法,修改相关标志位,强制打开数据库的一种方法.但是由于数据库实际上已经处于非一致状态,强烈建议用户打开数据库后,通过将生产环境的数据导出后,重建数据库.--ale...
ORA-600 signalled during: ALTER DATABASE MOUNT... 查询mos发现解释 The ORA-600 [kccsbck_first] error occurs when Oracle detects that another instance has this database already mounted. For some reason, Oracle already sees a thread with a heartbeat. This could be the expected behaviour if runn...[kccsbck_rtenq] db instance fail to start after storage cable restore–381460310.1.0.4OERI[kccsbck_first] from CSS problem with split brain resolutionP*II26469149.2.0.4Linux: OERI:[KCCSBCK
alert日志出现如下错误 数据库在mount的时候,因为出现ORA-00600[kccpb_sanity_check_2]错误导致数据库不能正常被mount成功 --sqlplus中报错 SQL> startup nomount; ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 4294967296 bytes Fixed Size 2273256 bytes Variable Size 1486573592 bytes Database Buffers 280179507...
ORA-600 [KCCSBCK_FIRST] The error is recorded only on the screen and no errors are reported in the alert.log. Several other instances run fine on the box. None of them has a similar db_name. They all run different Oracle versions. ...
Please check Document 342443.1 for latest patches available for Windows on top of 这个错误在10.2.0.5上很容易发生,官方也没有给出发生这个错误的原因,以及如何改写相关sql,给出的方案是升级到10.或者更高。这里可以看出升级需要慎重,可能导致原库有小部分sql不能正常执行。
ORA-600 [KCCSBCK_FIRST] The error is recorded only on the screen and no errors are reported in the alert.log. Several other instances run fine on the box. None of them has a similar db_name. They all run different Oracle versions. ...