主库版本为11.2.0.1升级到的11.2.0.4,备库版本为新安装的11.2.0.4 备库活动复制完成后,开启日志应用时,出现报错: ORA-00331: log version 1 incompatible with ORACLE version 1 ORA-00312: online log 1 thread 1: '+DATA/test/onlinelog/group_1.257.720092445' 根据报错提示,查看主备两个库的compatible参数...
ORA-00331: log version string incompatible with ORACLE version string.. Answer / guest Cause: The log was written by incompatible version of Oracle. Action: Recover the database with the compatible software, shut it down cleanly, then restart with current software. Please add more inf...
ORA-00331 log version num incompatible with Oracle version num Hello colleagues, I got this error trying to recover a DB 8.0 in an environment 8.1.x ... As in your knowledge, is there any way to recover the DB without using the old ORACLE release?