alert 告警提示信息 ORA-48132: requested file lock is busy, [HM_FINDING] [ /db1/XXXXX/oraadmin/diag/rdbms/XXXXXX/XXXXX/lck/ ] ORA-48170: unable to lock file - already in use Linux-x86_64 Error: 11: Resource temporarily unavailable 处理方法 MMON Process Fails with Errors ORA-48132 and ...
ORA-48132: requested file lock is busy, [HM_FINDING] [/db1/XXXXX/oraadmin/diag/rdbms/XXXXXX/XXXXX/lck/ ] ORA-48170: unable to lock file - already in use Linux-x86_64 Error: 11: Resource temporarily unavailable 处理方法 MMON Process Fails with Errors ORA-48132 and ORA-48170 (Doc ID ...
alert 告警提示信息 ORA-48132: requested file lock is busy, [HM_FINDING] [/db1/XXXXX/oraadmin/diag/rdbms/XXXXXX/XXXXX/lck/ ] ORA-48170: unable to lock file - already in use Linux-x86_64 Error: 11: Re…
ORA-48132: requested file lock is busy, [string] [string] Cause: The requested file lock is busy because another process is holding the file lock. Action: Try to get the file lock again at a later time. ORA-48133: file descriptor has already been opened [string] [string] Cause:...
Cause: An error was encountered while attempting to initialize the XAD package. Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error. KUP-00554: error encountered while parsing access parameters Cause: The parser detected a syntax error. ...
ORA-48132: リクエストされたファイル・ロックはビジーです。[string] [string] 原因: 別のプロセスがファイル・ロックを保持しているため、要求したファイル・ロックはビジーです。 処置: 後でファイル・ロックの取得を再試行してください。 ORA-48133: ファイル記述子はすでに...
Linux-x86_64 Error: 11: Resource temporarily unavailable 处理方法 MMON Process Fails with Errors ORA-48132 and ORA-48170 (Doc ID 2265173.1) Caused by OS level locks on the files being accessed by Oracle. 1. To release the OS level locks on the files being accessed by Oracle, please resta...
数据库报ORA-01113 ORA-01110无法正常open SQL> alter database open; alter database open * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01113: file 1 needs media recovery ORA-01110: data file 1: 'D:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\ORADATA\ORCL\SYSTEM01.DBF' alert日志
ORA-48132: requested file lock is busy, [string] [string] Cause: The requested file lock is busy because another process is holding the file lock. Action: Try to get the file lock again at a later time. ORA-48133: file descriptor has already been opened [string] [string] Cause:...
ORA-48132: requested file lock is busy, [string] [string] Cause: The requested file lock is busy because another process is holding the file lock. Action: Try to get the file lock again at a later time. ORA-48133: file descriptor has already been opened [string] [string] Cause:...