ORA-39000: 转储文件说明错误:这通常与转储文件(dump file)的元数据或格式有关,表明文件可能已损坏或不符合预期的格式。 ORA-31640: 无法打开要读取:这通常表示Oracle无法访问或打开指定的文件,可能是因为文件路径不正确、文件权限问题或文件不存在。 2. 可能的原因 ORA-39001: 参数名称拼写错误。 参数值不符合要求...
2、grant read, write on directory dir_test to username; 3、dmp文件放在 d:\test 目录下 impdp xx/xx@xx full= y directory = dir_test
tion With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing opt ions ORA-39001: 参数值无效 ORA-39000: 转储文件说明错误 ORA-31640: 无法打开要读取的转储文件 "E:\oradata\dpdata\xxx.dmp;" ORA-27041: 无法打开文件 OSD-04002: ??? O/S-Error: (OS 2) ??? 错误原因之一:i...
WIN02 has access to the WIN01 UNC path. When attempting to import the dump files using impdp in WIN02:DOS>impdp system/oracle@UNIX01DB DIRECTORY=WINDUMP_DIR DUMPFILE=expdp.dmp the following errors occur: ORA-39001: invalid argument value ORA-39000: bad dump file specification ORA-31640: un...
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing opt ions ORA-39001: 参数值无效 ORA-39000: 转储文件说明错误 ORA-31640: 无法打开要读取的转储文件 "E:\oradata\dpdata\xxx.dmp;" ORA-27041: 无法打开文件 OSD-04002: ??? O/S-...
Oracle Database Backup Service - Version N/A and later: DataPump Import (IMPDP) Fails With Errors ORA-39001 ORA-39000 ORA-31640 ORA-27037
理解IMPDP ORA-19505、ORA-31640错误,若在OracleRAC集群数据库中,则可能DataPumpWorker数据泵工作进程在非发起本Expdp的节点上被分配并工作,除非指定了EXPDP参数CLUSTER=NO。若启动该Workder进程的节点上相应的datapump目录没有合适的权限,则remotenode上的Worker将无法
Tion With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options ORA-39001: invalid argument value ORA-39000: bad dump file specification ORA-31619: invalid dump file "d: \ data_pump_directory \ 20150826dynamic. dmp" C: \ Documents ents and Settings \ hoegh> ...
impdp时遇到ORA-31693&ORA-31640&ORA-19505&ORA-27037在impdp时遇到报错:Additionalinformation:3..导入了HQ_X1.T_XX130901:SP15 13.99KB 0行..导入了HQ_X1.T_XX130901:SP2 13.99KB