个人笔记ORA-32017 ORA-16179 SQL> alter system set log_archive_dest_1='LOCATION= /archivelog'; alter system set log_archive_dest_1='LOCATION= /archivelog' * ERROR at line 1: ORA-32017: failure in updating SPFILE ORA-16179: incremental changes to "log_archive_dest_1" not allowed with SPF...
个人笔记ORA-32017 ORA-16179 SQL> alter system set log_archive_dest_1='LOCATION= /archivelog'; alter system set log_archive_dest_1='LOCATION= /archivelog' * ERROR at line 1: ORA-32017: failure in updating SPFILE ORA-16179: incremental changes to "log_archive_dest_1" not allowed with SPF...
ORA-32017: 更新 SPFILE 时失败ORA-16179: 不允许使用 SPFILE 对“log_archive_dest_1” 进行增量更改[oracle@localhost bin]$ oerr ora 16179 16179, 00000, "incremental changes to \"%s\" not allowed with SPFILE" // *Cause: Incremental changes to a log_archive_dest_n parameter cannot // be ...
1. 解释ora-16179错误的原因 ora-16179错误表示:“incremental changes to "log_archive_dest_1" not allowed with spfi”。这意味着在启用了SPFI(Standby Primary Failover Initiative,备用主库故障转移倡议)功能的情况下,不允许对归档日志目的地(如log_archive_dest_1)进行增量更改。SPFI是Oracle Data Guard中...
ORA-32017: failure in updating SPFILE ORA-16179: incremental changes to "log_archive_dest_3" not allowed with SPFILE 经查询资料,这种情况通常是关键字写错造成.然后仔细确认参数,发现service= meddocdgbak在等号后面有一个空格,将此空格删除,在执行语句,异常解除....
32017: failure in updating SPFILE ORA-16179: incremental changes to "log_archive_dest_1" not allowed with SPFILE更改为:SQL> alter system set log_archive_dest_1='location=E:\arch ' scope=spfile;本文来自博客园,作者:abce,转载请注明原文链接:https://www.cnblogs.com/abclife/p/4632867.html分类...
ORA-16179: incremental changes to "log_archive_dest_1" not allowed with SPFILE 参考文章 标签:ORA错误 ArcerZhang 粉丝-21关注 -7 +加关注
ORA-19809 超出了恢复文件数的限制 ORA-19809 超出了恢复文件数的限制 闪回恢复区flash_recovery_area目录容量已满 sql> select * from v$recovery_file_dest;NAME SPACE_LIMIT SPACE_USED SPACE_RECLAIMABLE NUMBER_OF_FILES D:\app\ASUS\flash_recovery_area 2147483648 2038640640 6673920 ...
ORA-16179 不允许使用 SPFILE 对,SQL>altersystemsetlog_archive_dest_1='e:\oracle11g\archivelog'; altersystemsetlog_archive_dest_1='e:\oracle11g\archivelog' * 第1行出现错误: ORA-32017:更新SPFILE时失败 ORA-16179:不允许使用SP
ORA-32017: failureinupdating SPFILE ORA-16179: incremental changes to"log_archive_dest_1"not allowed with SPFILE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 更改为: SQL> alter systemsetlog_archive_dest_1='location=E:\arch'scope=spfile; 1.