ora-280001 文心快码BaiduComate ORA-28001 错误在 Oracle 数据库中表示“口令已失效”,这通常与用户的密码过期有关。以下是对 ORA-28001 错误的详细解释、可能的原因以及解决步骤: ORA-28001 错误的含义 ORA-28001 错误表明用户尝试使用已过期的密码登录 Oracle 数据库时,数据库拒绝了该登录请求。Oracle 11g 及更...
I am not able to perform the Backup thru RMAN. Following Error is reported in the Log file : ORA-280001 : the password has expired I am not able to change the password for the rman user for the catalog DB. Regards, Marcian.
I am not able to perform the Backup thru RMAN. Following Error is reported in the Log file : ORA-280001 : the password has expired I am not able to change the password for the rman user for the catalog DB. Regards, Marcian.
I am not able to perform the Backup thru RMAN. Following Error is reported in the Log file : ORA-280001 : the password has expired I am not able to change the password for the rman user for the catalog DB. Regards, Marcian.