针对错误信息“ora-22930: directory does not exist”,以下是一些解决步骤和建议: 确认错误信息上下文: 此错误通常与Oracle数据库相关,表示尝试访问一个不存在的目录。 检查Oracle数据库中的目录对象: 使用以下SQL查询来检查是否存在指定的目录对象: sql SELECT * FROM DBA_DIRECTORIES WHERE DIRECTORY_NAME = '你...
ORA-22930: directory does not exist Cause: Attempt to access a directory that does not exist Action: Make sure the name is correct Back to previous menu https://support.oracle.com/ http://www.oracle.com/
ORA-22929: invalid or missing directory name Cause:The required directory name is invalid or missing. Action:Specify a valid name. ORA-22930: directory does not exist Cause:Attempt to access a directory that does not exist. Action:Make sure the name is correct. ORA-22950: cannot order object...
ORA-22930 directory does not exist Cause: An attempt was made to access a directory that does not exist. Action: Make sure the name is correct. ORA-22950 cannot ORDER objects without MAP or ORDER method Cause: An object type must have a MAP or ORDER method defined for all comparisons...
ORA-22930: directory does not exist.. Answer/guest Cause: Attempt to access a directory that does not exist. Action: Make sure the name is correct. Please add more information about this Error Is This Answer Correct ?3 Yes2 No Post New Answer ...
ORA-22930: directory does not exist Cause: Attempt to access a directory that does not exist. Action: Make sure the name is correct. ORA-22931: function protocol violation - string Cause: Function argument(s) contain unexpected value. Action: Review error message and accordingly pass appr...
ORA-22930 directory does not exist Cause: An attempt was made to access a directory that does not exist. Action: Make sure the name is correct. ORA-22950 cannot ORDER objects without MAP or ORDER method Cause: An object type must have a MAP or ORDER method defined for all comparisons...