1. ORA-21560 错误的含义 ORA-21560 错误表示“参数 %d 为空、无效或超出范围”。这是一个常见的 Oracle 数据库错误,通常出现在执行 SQL 语句或调用 PL/SQL 过程时,传入的参数不符合预期要求。 2. 可能导致 ORA-21560 错误的原因 空值参数:调用函数或过程时,传入了 NULL 值,而该函数或过程期望一个非空值。
ORACLE中CLOB字段转String类型 ### ORACLE中CLOB字段转String类型 在Oracle数据库中,`CLOB`(Character Large Object)是一种用于存储大量文本数据的数据类型。由于其能够存储非常大的文本块(最大可达4GB),因此常被用于存储文章、报告或任何... oracle数据库的clob大字段在jdbc中的处理方式 这篇文档将详细阐述如何在...
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services. ORA-21560: argument string is null, invalid, or out of range Cause: The argument is expecting a non-null, valid value but the argument value passed in is null, invalid, or out of range. Examples include when the LOB/FILE ORA-19999 to ORA-...
lcr$_row_record Method : get_row_text () Fails With Errors : ORA-21560: argument 'lob_stmt COPY FAILED' is null, invalid, or out of range (Doc ID 1298796.1) Last updated on AUGUST 18, 2021 Applies to: Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 11...
ORA-21560:argument %.*s is null, invalid, or out of range OceanBase 错误码:5934 SQLSTATE:HY000 错误原因:传递的参数值是NULL、无效的或者超出范围的。例如LOB / FILE的位置或大小参数的值超出 1 到(4 GB-1)的范围;在无效的打开模式中打开文件等。
ORA-21560 argument string is null, invalid, or out of range Cause: The argument is expecting a non-null, valid value but the argument value passed in is null, invalid, or out of range. Examples include when the LOB/FILE positional or size argument has a value outside the range 1 thr...
OceanBase error code: 21000 SQLSTATE: HY000 Cause: The error code ofRAISE_APPLICATION_ERRORis out of range. ORA-21560: argument %.*s is null, invalid, or out of range OceanBase error code: 5934 SQLSTATE: HY000 Cause: The passed argument value isNULL, invalid, or out of range. For exa...
CKPT started with pid=12, OS id=21560 SMON started with pid=13, OS id=21562 RECO started with pid=14, OS id=21564 CJQ0 started with pid=15, OS id=21566 MMON started with pid=16, OS id=21576 Sun Nov 21 23:53:36 2010 starting up 1 dispatcher(s) for network address '(ADDRESS=...
ORA-21560: argument string is null, invalid, or out of range Cause: The argument is expecting a non-null, valid value but the argument value passed in is null, invalid, or out of range. Examples include when the LOB/FILE positional or size argument has a value outside the range 1 ...
CKPT started with pid=12, OS id=21560 SMON started with pid=13, OS id=21562 RECO started with pid=14, OS id=21564 CJQ0 started with pid=15, OS id=21566 MMON started with pid=16, OS id=21576 Sun Nov 21 23:53:36 2010 starting up 1 dispatcher(s) for network address '(ADDRESS=...