ORA-15214 是一个 Oracle 数据库错误代码,具体含义为 "session asked to extend past its time limit"。这个错误表明一个会话(session)尝试超过其被允许的时间限制来执行操作。 2. ORA-15214 错误可能的原因 会话时间限制设置:数据库管理员可能设置了会话的时间限制,当会话运行时间超过这个限制时,就会触发此错误。
Oracle Database error codeORA-15214is related to issues that arise during the execution of commands related to Oracle's Automatic Storage Management (ASM). This error typically indicates that a specified operation is not allowed for the particular disk group, often due to a mismatch in the disk...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later: CREATE DISKGROUP Fails Error ORA-15214: missing or invalid attribute specification
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