if SQLCODE = -1436then dbms_out_put.put_line('错误信息:'||SQLERRM ||';错误代码:'||SQLCODE ||';错误机构:'|| org.ORG_ID); endif; continue; end; endloop; end;
CONNECT BY PRIOR jt.terr_id = jt.parent_territory_id ; Its been observed that query throw error at 2501 row. I have tried to find out the cyclic loop records by using the following query: SELECT sys_connect_by_path(jt.terr_id,'/')...
CONNECT BY PRIOR jt.terr_id = jt.parent_territory_id ; Its been observed that query throw error at 2501 row. I have tried to find out the cyclic loop records by using the following query: SELECT sys_connect_by_path(jt.terr_id,'/')...
-1436ORA-01436: CONNECT BY loop in user dataORA-06512: at "APPS.HR_DYNAMIC_APPROVAL_WEB", line 7275ORA-06512: at line 1Error Message in Notification as follows (Note: if AME is used)Error Message = ORA-20001: The attribute ALLOW_REQUESTOR_APPROVAL probably has an invalid query string. ...
ORA-01516 是 Oracle 数据库中的一个错误代码,表示“nonexistent log file, data file, or temporary file”。这个错误通常发生在 Oracle 数据库试图访问一个不存在的日志文件、数据文件或临时文件时。 2. 分析可能导致“ORA-01516:nonexistent log file, data file, or temporary file”错误的原因 文件被删除或...
Ora2pg可以用来将Oracle数据库转换成PostgreSQL,主要功能: - Export full database schema (tables, views, sequ
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