它是一种自治事务at的标识at是由主事务mt调用但是独立于mt的事务在at被调用执行时mt被挂起在at内部一系列的dml可以被执行并且commit或rollback注意由于at的独立性它的commit和rollback并不影响mt的执行效果 ORA-04092:cannotCOMMITinatrigger ORA-04092: cannot COMMIT in a trigger...
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <indo-oracle@yahoogroups.com> Sent: Monday, June 27, 2005 4:11 PM Subject: [indo-oracle] Ora 04092 Cannot commit in a trigger > Hi.., All... > > Please Help me.., > > I have got an error : Ora 04092 Cannot commit in a trigger..., in my datab...
You tried to perform a COMMIT or ROLLBACK in a trigger. This is not allowed. Action: The options to resolve this Oracle error are: Re-write your trigger so that COMMITs and ROLLBACKs are not issued. --- 当在触发器里加入事务性操作时,会有如下错误:ORA-04092 cannot string in a trigger ...
ORA-04092: cannot COMMIT or ROLLBACK in a trigger Cause:A trigger attempted to COMMIT or ROLLBACK. This is not permitted. Action:Rewrite the trigger so that COMMIT or ROLLBACK statements are not used. ORA-04093: references to columns of type LONG are not allowed in triggers Cause:A trigg...
java.sql.SQLException错误! ORA-00904: --invalid column name 无效列名 ORA-00942: --table or view does not exist 表或者视图不存在 ORA-01400: --cannot insert NULL into () 不能将空值插入 ORA-00936: --缺少表达式 ORA-00933 ...
ORA-04092: cannot COMMIT or ROLLBACK in a trigger Cause:A trigger attempted to COMMIT or ROLLBACK. This is not permitted. Action:Rewrite the trigger so that COMMIT or ROLLBACK statements are not used. ORA-04093: references to columns of type LONG are not allowed in triggers ...