在尝试通过Oracle11g客户端访问Oracle 816服务器时,遇到ORA-03150错误。此问题源于Oracle11g版本的客户端不支持访问Oracle 816服务器端。错误描述为:"ORA-03150: end-of-file on communication channel for database link ORA-02063: preceding line from dblink_816",表示在通信通道中到达文件结束,且...
今天,一实施同事反应,他执行一存储过程,执行到一条含有dblink的insert into select语句时报错:ORA-03150 ORA-02055 ORA-02063,具体报错如图所示: 该报错涉及的SQL语句是: insert into yhjkb@dblink_jkb select oae001, akb020, akc190, akc220, aae072, akc515, aka135, aae100, akc301, b.reject_money, ...
select * from dual@dblink_816; ORA-03150: end-of-file on communication channel for database link ORA-02063: preceding line from dblink_816 该错误的原因是 ORACLE11G 作为客户端,不支持访问ORACLE 816 …
pl/sql操作dblink 命令行不能删除,pl/sql可以删除dblink 访问dblink报错:ORA-00942: table or view does not exist ,preceding line from MY_LINK 要访问另外一个数据库,本地数据库必须创建了远程数据库的dblink, 通过dblink可以像访问本地数据库一样访问远程数据库...
本次演示用的是USB3.0芯片-CYPRESS CYUSB3014(下称 FX3),该芯片是标准的USB3.0 PHY,可以大大...
oracle: 通过dblink访问12c数据库的一张大表报错: ORA-03150: end-of-file on communication channel for database link ORA-02055: distributed update operation failed; rollback required ORA-02063: preceding lines from <REMOTE DATABASE LINK> ...
master@dblink, mowner.MLOG$_master@dblink still exist. ORA-12009: materialized views may not contain long columns Cause: An attempt was made to create a materialized view with a long column. Action: Do not attempt to create materialized view logs with long columns. ORA-12010: cannot ...
In the case of a dblink where a recent upgrade to either of these versions took place, the following errors might start appearing:ORA-02050: transaction 12.113.80208 rolled back, some remote DBs may be in-doubtORA-03150: end-of-file on communication channel for database linkORA-02063: ...