一、未连接到Oracle ORA-03114: 在与Oracle实例的通信中出现故障。问题经常出现在网络故障时,或者在由于数据库实例故障导致实例崩溃时,客户端试图与该实例进行通信时出现问题。为了解决此问题,我们首先要识别它。 如果您在使用SQL Developer或SQL * Plus等工具时收到ORA-03114错误,这意味着客户端无法连接到数据库。在...
ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE Cause: The connection between Client and Server process was broken. This may also happen if the external agent extproc crashes for some reason.Action: There was a communication error which requires further investigation. First, check for network problem...
connection has been restore: "ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE". I'm closing the connection properly in that it will return to the connection pool. Here is an example code: using(OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(connectionString)) { conn.Open(); using(OracleCommand cmd = new ...
Cause: Subroutine rvtptcontrol() returned an internal error. Action: Note this error number and the actions you are trying to perform. Contact your system administrator RVTPT-054: ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE Cause: A SQL error has occurred in RVTPT. The SQL error is &LSQL_ERR. ...
Oracle Concurrent Processing - Version 12.1.3 to 12.1.3 [Release 12.1]: ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE Error When Viewing Log and Output Files for Concurrent
During migration from XIR2 to XI3.1 , while performing the CMS database copy, ORA-03114 error is thrown. CMS database copy process (CCM) throws the following error: BusinessObjects Enterprise CMS: The CMS system database connection to ""DBServerName"" has been lost. 2 CMS system database ...
昨天在给应用系统做升级的时候,脚本老是执行到一半,就出现,已断开数据库连接,跟踪后发现,执行到中间回出现,ora-03113错误(通信通道的文件结束),接着就是ora-03114(失去oracle连接). 1.怀疑脚本问题,语句有问题,仔细研究下,没问题. 2.网络问题.换台机器还是一样. ...
关于TIBCO iProcess报错ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE ,这个问题是在测试环境中发现,因为当时安装在C盘导致了磁盘空间很不足.测试环境常常down掉,后来查找原因,是因为iProcess每天产生大量的sw_error和sw_warn的日志信息.而sw_error只有一句话: 2011/09/2810:29
ERROR: ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE 通过查询MOS,解决方法如下: ORA-29553: class in use error on 9.2 to 11.2 Migration [ID 1225653.1] 修改时间15-JUN-2011类型PROBLEM状态MODERATED In this Document Symptoms Cause Solution References This document is being delivered to you via Oracle Support'...