我尝试在表上创建一个自动递增的列,正如我在这篇 文章 中看到的那样,有两种方法,第二种使用 Identity 列的实现是一种更优雅的解决方案,但是当我尝试实现它时,出现以下错误: Error at Command Line : 3 Column : 31 Error report - SQL Error: ORA-02000: missing ALWAYS keyword 02000. 00000 - "missing ...
把django升级到2.0且Oracle升级到12g 或者把django降级到1.11且Oracle降级到11g
when update-database the exception handled: db oracle version 11g 19-08-21 11:50:32.730372 ThreadID:1 (ERROR) OracleRelationalCommand.Execute() : Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleException (0x80004005): ORA-02000: missing ALWAYS keyword ORA-06512: at line 2 in OracleInternal.ServiceObjects...
ORA-02000: missingnamekeyword Cause:The statement entered requires the missing keyword. Action:Use the specified keyword. ORA-02001: user SYS is not permitted to create indexes with freelist groups Cause:An attempt was made to create an index while running with SYS authorization. ...
ORA-02000: missing VALUE keyword OceanBase error code: 5466 SQLSTATE: HY000 Cause: TheVALUEkeyword is missing. Solution: Add theVALUEfield to the expression. Note This error code is introduced since OceanBase Database V4.1.0. ORA-02014: cannot select FOR UPDATE from view with DISTINCT GROUP ...
ORA-01710: missing OF keyword ORA-01711: duplicate privilege listed ORA-01712: you cannot grant a privilege which you do not have ORA-01713: GRANT OPTION does not exist for that privilege ORA-01714: error in execution of user function ORA-01715: UNIQUE may not be used with a clust...
ORA-30930:NOCYCLE keyword is required with CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE pseudo column OceanBase 错误码:5773 SQLSTATE:HY000 错误原因:在查询中指定了 CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE,但是该查询不包含 NOCYCLE 关键字。 解决方法:删除 CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE 或添加 NOCYCLE 关键字。 ORA-30980:Invalid Input OceanBase 错误码:5462 SQL...
看起来您正在使用旧的oracle版本<12.1。oracle仅从12.1开始支持虚拟生成列(generate always)将其升级到...