ORA-01506: missing or illegal database name 错误通常表明在Oracle数据库连接配置中没有正确指定数据库名称,或者数据库名称被非法指定。这可能是因为数据库参数文件(如 init.ora 或spfile.ora)中缺少 db_name 参数,或者 db_name 参数的值不正确。 2. 检查数据库连接字符串 ...
SQL> create spfile='+DATA/ora11rac/spfileora11rac.ora' from pfile; File created. 本来以为这样就完成了我的预定目标->用pfile修改spfile,但是当我再startup启动数据库时,报了ORA-01506的错误 SQL> startup force ORA-01506: missing or illegal database name 这个错误,按字面理解就是丢失数据库名,就是...
srvctl start database -d zxdb -o mount启动失败: PRCR-1079 : Failed to start resource ora.zxdb.db CRS-5017: The resource action "ora.zxdb.db start" encountered the following erro r: ORA-01506: missing or illegal database name . For details refer to "(:CLSN00107:)" in "/opt/app/...
这里采用了异或运算,那么,什么是异或运算呢 异或的运算方法是一个二进制运算: a ^ b 将其转为...
ORA-01506: missing or illegal database name Cause: No db_name INIT.ORA aprameter was specified. Action: The database name must be given in the db_name INIT.ORA parameter. ORA-01507: database not mounted Cause: A command was attempted that requires the database to be mounted. ...
ORA-01506: missing or illegal database name Cause: No db_name INIT.ORA aprameter was specified. Action: The database name must be given in the db_name INIT.ORA parameter. ORA-01507: database not mounted Cause: A command was attempted that requires the database to be mounted. Ac...
一旦startup就报错ORA-01506。我根本不知道是为什么 王者名字没和谐吧吧和 请看吧规 1 都没人回吗?我百度查了答案没用才在这里问的 lkopsu 部门主管 6 截图 lkopsu 部门主管 6 应该是spfile的oracle_id出问题了,你检查一下 cooldanny1 再看吧规 2 pfile或者spfile里面 db_name 给值了么? 王...
ORA-01506: missing or illegal database name Cause: No database name was specified in the ALTER DATABASE statement, nor was the initialization parameter DB_NAME specified. Action: The database name must be given either in the ALTER DATABASE statement or as the value for the initialization ...
SQL> alter database open; 数据库已更改。 SQL> 但这时数据库的回滚段仍在,并且仍指向旧的数据文件。这时如果做修改数据或导入操作仍然会报错: IMP-00017: 由于 ORACLE 错误 604, 以下语句失败: "CREATE SEQUENCE "SEQ_XXXXYYYYZZZZ" MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 9999999999999999999" ...
ORA-01506: missing or illegal database name Cause:No db_name INIT.ORA aprameter was specified. Action:The database name must be given in the db_name INIT.ORA parameter. 产生这个错误。说明spfile文件里没有指定db_name。spfile是由pfile生成的。可是查看pfile文件里确实已经设置了。回看步骤时发现上面...