ORA-01400错误表明在尝试向数据库的某个列插入NULL值时,该列被定义为不允许NULL值。这通常发生在数据插入或更新操作中。 导致ORA-01400错误的常见原因 列定义不允许NULL:在数据库表设计时,某些列可能被定义为NOT NULL,这意味着这些列在插入或更新记录时必须具有非空值。 插入语句未提供值:在执行INSERT语句时,如果...
there is a strange error ocurring to me. I'm working with Hibernate, I have mapped class called Widget, which has a Parameter class, but when I try to insert I get "ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into..." The mapping is properly done as: <bag cascade="none" inverse="true" lazy=...
Cause:An attempt was made to insert a NULL into the column "USER"."TABLE"."COLUMN". For example, if you enter: connect scott/tiger create table a (a1 number not null); insert into a values (null); Oracle returns: ORA-01400 cannot insert NULL into ("SCOTT"."A"."A1") : which m...
我得到了ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into table1.id. 我用命令INSERT INTO table1 (name) VALUES ('test')插入了行。行已添加,ID的值正确(如下)。 如果我试图通过Apex对象浏览器插入一行,我会再次得到ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into table1.id. 在第二个表中,我可以通过Apex对象浏览器插入一行,而...
ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into Error text: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into when insert into view, NULL value handler in trigger. 2次错误都是trigger missing, trigger里面
- ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("DVSYS"."REALM_OBJECT$"."OWNER_UID#")- ORA-06512: at line 7- ORA-06512: at line 2-> Error at line 165457: script rdbms/admin/catmacd.sql- ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("DVSYS"."REALM_AUTH$"."GRANTEE_UID#")- ORA-06512: at line...
INSERTINTOcustomer(customer_id,customer_name,email_address)VALUES(2,NULL,'new@xyzcompany.com'); SQL Error: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("INTRO_USER"."TEST_CUSTOMER"."CUSTOMER_NAME") 01400. 00000 - "cannot insert NULL into (%s)" ...
ORA-01400 cannot insert NULL into (string) Cause An attempt was made to insert NULL into previously listed objects. Action These objects cannot accept NULL values. Reservable columns cannot accept NULL values.© Oracle About Oracle Contact Us Products A-Z Terms of Use & Privacy Cookie 喜好...
【Oracle】RMAN-03009 ORA-01400 错误解决方法 简介:生产库备份遇到ORA-01400 错误~当rman 不使用 catalog时,RMAN 命令可以正常实施~!当rman 备份使用catalog数据库时,执行rman 命令总是报错:ORA-01400:cannot insert NULL into ("RMAN_YANGDB". 生产库备份遇到ORA-01400 错误~当rman 不使用 catalog时,RMAN 命令...
[translate] aORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("APTS"."SERVICES_MASTER"."BUSSTOPNAME_TO") ORA-01400 : 不能插入零位入(“APTS”。“SERVICES_MASTER”。“BUSSTOPNAME_TO”)[translate]