ora-01154 文心快码BaiduComate ORA-01154错误的解释 ORA-01154是一个Oracle数据库错误,具体为“database busy. Open, close, mount, and dismount not allowed now”。这个错误表明当前数据库正忙,不允许进行打开、关闭、挂载或解除挂载等操作。 ORA-01154错误可能的产生原因 数据库正在进行重要操作:如数据恢复、...
ORA-01154: database busy. Open, Close, mount, and dismount not allowed now Cause: Some operation is in progress that expects the state of the instance to remain open or mounted. Action: Wait for the operation to complete and try again. If attempting a normal database shutdown, try SHUT...
SQL>alterdatabaseopen;alterdatabaseopen*ERROR at line1: ORA-01154:databasebusy.Open,close, mount,anddismountnotallowed now ++++++++++++++++++++++ 再次尝试: SQL>alterdatabaseopen;alterdatabaseopen*ERROR at line1: ORA-01154:databasebusy.Open,close, mount,anddismountnotallowed now 启动数据...
ORA-01079: ORACLE database was not properly created, operation aborted Cause: There was an error when the database or control file was created. Action: s to recreate the database or a new control file. ORA-01080: error in shutting down ORACLE Cause: Failure during system shutdown. ...
ORA-01154: database busy. Open, close, mount, and dismount not allowed now Cause: Some operation is in progress that expects the opened/mounted state of this instance to remain the same. Action: Wait for the operation to complete then retry. If attempting to do a shutdown, SHUTDOWN ...
英文解析:resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified错误解析:表被锁住了,要不等待表解锁,要不就去kill了它。ORA-00055: 超出 DML 锁的最大数ORA-00056: 对象 '.' 上的 DDL 锁以不兼容模式挂起ORA-00057: 超出临时表锁的最大数ORA-00058: DB_BLOCK_SIZE 必须为才可安装此数据库 (非 )ORA-00059...
英文解析:resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified 错误解析:表被锁住了,要不等待表解锁,要不就去kill了它。 ORA-00055: 超出 DML 锁的最大数 ORA-00056: 对象 ‘.’ 上的 DDL 锁以不兼容模式挂起 ORA-00057: 超出临时表锁的最大数
英文解析:resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified 错误解析:表被锁住了,要不等待表解锁,要不就去kill了它。 ORA-00055: 超出 DML 锁的最大数 ORA-00056: 对象 '.' 上的 DDL 锁以不兼容模式挂起 ORA-00057: 超出临时表锁的最大数 ORA-00058: DB_BLOCK_SIZE 必须为才可安装此数据库(非 ) ...
英文解析:resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified错误解析:表被锁住了,要不等待表解锁,要不就去kill了它。ORA-00055: 超出 DML 锁的最大数ORA-00056: 对象 '.' 上的 DDL 锁以不兼容模式挂起ORA-00057: 超出临时表锁的最大数ORA-00058: DB_BLOCK_SIZE 必须为才可安装此数据库 (非 )ORA-00059...
请使用 ALTER DATABASE RECOVER ORA-00283: 恢复会话因错误而取消 ORA-00284: 恢复会话仍在进行 ORA-00285: TIME 未作为字符串常数给出 ORA-00286: 无可用成员,或成员无有效数据 ORA-00287: 未找到指定的更改编号 (在线程 中) ORA-00288: 要继续恢复,请键入 ALTER DATABASE RECOVER CONTINUE ORA-00289: 建议...