ORA-01116:打开数据库文件203时出错 ORA-01110:数据文件203: '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/temp02.dbf' ORA-27041:无法打开文件Linux-x86_64 Error: 2: No such file or directory Additional information: 3 ORA-06512:在line 9 是我们环境的临时表空间损坏了,oracle数据库的临时表空间是用来存放用户的临时数据...
ORA-01116: 打开数据文件3出错 ORA-01110: 数据文件 3:'/home/oracle/dmpfile20200903/test_xfh_db.dbf' ORA-27041: 无法打开文件 Linux-x86_64 Error:2: Nosuchfileor directory Additional information: 3 01116. 00000-"error in opening database file %s" *CAUSE: USUALLY THE FILE IS NOT ACCESSIBLE. ...
ORA-27041: unable to open file Linux-x86_64 Error: 2: No such file or directory Additional ...
执行SELECT tablespace_name 表空间,sum(blocks*8192/1000000) 剩余空间M FROM dba_free_space GROUP BY tablespace_name; 报如下错误 ORA-01116: error in opening database file 47 ORA-01110: data file 47: '/dev/rpt_itrusca_disk' ORA-27041: unable to open file IBMAIX RISC System/6000 Error: 13...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later: ORA-01116 ORA-01110 ORA-27041 reporting and unable to shutdown/startup
sys.DBA_TABLESPACES c WHERE a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name(+) AND a.tablespace_name = c.tablespace_name ORDER BY ROUND(b.bytes/1048576,2) 报错如下: ORA-01116:error in opening database file 7 ORA-01110:data file 54:'/oracle/oradata/mydb/my_db.dbf' ...
执行SELECT tablespace_name 表空间,sum(blocks*8192/1000000) 剩余空间M FROM dba_free_space GROUP BY tablespace_name; 报如下错误 ORA-01116: error in opening database file 47 ORA-01110: data file 47: '/dev/rpt_itrusca_disk' ORA-27041: unable to open file ...
ORA-01116 ORA-01110 ORA-27041 Hi ,I have this error on production environment ( AIX 6.1 when trying to execute this query : SELECT * FROM TP_PRODUCTS WHERE cd_prod='FMT' AND id_cat=217for update; ORA-01116: error in opening database file 5 ...
报错ora-01116/01110/27041 -- 5) 脱机临时表空间的数据文件或者脱机临时表空间 -- 脱机tempdata或temporary tablespace不会造成源数据丢失 alter databae tempfile'/home/app/oracle/oradata/testmod/tEMP02.DBF' offline; 6) 添加数据文件 alter tablespace add tempfile '/patch/to/datafile.dbf' size10M; ...
ORA-01116: error in opening database file 98 ORA-01110: data file 98: 'TB_J_HIS1010.dbf'ORA-27041: unable to open file Linux Error: 2: No such file or directory Additional information: 3 查看数据⽂件的时候报了个错,原来有个数据⽂件坏掉了,导致相关的字典表⽆法查询.幸亏有备份, ...