Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later: ORA-01114: IO error writing block to file (block # )
Error message: Linux-x86_64 Error: 28:Nospaceleftondevice Additional information: 1 Writingtothe above trace fileisdisabledfornowon... Couldnotopenaudit file: /u01/app/oracle/admin/center/adump/center2_ora_11034_1.aud Retry IterationNo: 1 OS Error: 28 Retry IterationNo: 2 OS Error: 28 ...
ORA-01114错误解决方法 今天在一个库上运行一个比较大的查询时,多表关联(A\B\C三表),其中A\B表比较大,结果出现下面的错误: ORA-01114: IO error writing block to file 203 (block # 971238) ORA-27063: skgfospo: number of bytes read/written is incorrect IBM AIX RISC System/6000 Error: 28: ...
oracle ORA-01114 IO error writing block to file 207 (block # ) Reference: Solution: 1. clean disk space 2. alter file online.
343433#ORA-01114: IO error writing block to file 256 (block 343369)#ORA-27072: skgfdisp: I/O error#HP-UX Error: 28: No space left on device#Additional information: 343369 No datafile is added to that particular /oracle/SID/SAPDATA1 file system. Yesterday might night the file syste...
Errors in file <ORACLE_BASE>/diag/rdbms/<DB_NAME>/<INSTANCE_NAME1>/trace/<INSTANCE_NAME1>_j000_3222.trc: ORA-15080: synchronous I/O operation to a disk failed ORA-01114: IO error writing block to file 201 (block # 4176318)
ORA-01114: IO error writing block to file 201 (block # 755561) ORA-27072: File I/O error Additional information: 4 Additional information: 755561 Additional information: 36864 CHANGES CAUSE The issue is caused due to DB not having enough space. ...
Error message: Linux-x86_64 Error: 28:Nospaceleftondevice Additional information: 1 Writingtothe above trace fileisdisabledfornowon... Couldnotopenaudit file: /u01/app/oracle/admin/center/adump/center2_ora_10993_1.aud Retry IterationNo: 1 OS Error: 28 ...
Oracle Ora-01114 IO error writing block to file 207 (block # ) oracle ORA-01114 IO error writing block to file 207 (block # ) Reference: Solution: 1. clean disk space 2. alter file online....
ORA-01114: IO error writing block to file 201 (block # 755561) ORA-27072: File I/O error Additional information: 4 Additional information: 755561 Additional information: 36864 CHANGES CAUSE The issue is caused due to DB not having enough space. ...