ORA-01109: database not open 依次检查配置: 1.手工启动pdb数据库 [oracle@mesdb01 ~]$ sqlplus /as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release19. Production on Sun Nov1910:25:392023Version19. (c)1982,2022, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edi...
解答ora-01109: database not open ORA-01109: database not open 错误通常表明数据库实例没有正确启动或处于非打开状态,无法执行需要数据库处于打开状态的命令。以下是一些解决此问题的步骤: 1. 确认数据库实例状态 首先,需要确认数据库实例是否正在运行。可以使用 Oracle 的 lsnrctl 命令来检查监听器状态,这有助于...
解决ORA-01109:database not open 在之前扩大共享池的操作后,明明startup成功了,但PL/SQL Developer连不上数据库,报错ORA-01109: database not open。 解决方式: 查看监听状态,发现有实例在运行lsnrctl status 连上sqlplussqlplus / as sysdba 查看pdbs状态show pdbs,发现要连接的数据库的open mode为mounted 修改数...
ora-01109错误信息的出现,一般是因为数据库实例未正确启动或在运行过程中出现了异常。这种情况下,数据库可能无法正常访问或识别,从而导致此类错误信息的产生。 排查方法 验证数据库系统的安装与配置:首先需要确认数据库系统是否已正确安装并进行了适当的配置。可以通过查看安装目录下的相关配置文件,确认各项参数设置是否合理...
Oracle问题:ORA-01109解决办法 ORA-01109: 数据库未打开 01109. 00000 - "database not open" *Cause: A command was attempted that requires the database to be open. *Action: Open the database and try the command again 启动数据库 达到open状态...
ORA-01109: database not open 提示数据库没有开启。 解决办法: 1、使用dba帐户登入sqlplus; sqlplus sys/password as sysdba; 2、关闭实例 SQL> shutdown immediate; ORA-01109: database not op Database dismounted.ORA ...
DatabaseBuffers25165824bytes RedoBuffers667648bytes 数据库装载完毕。 ORA-00313:无法打开日志组1(线程1)的成员 ORA-00312:联机日志1线程1:'C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ORCL\REDO01.LOG' 查看C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\myoracle\REDO01.LOG还在,但是REDO02.LOG,REDO03.LOG被误删了. 赶紧换个例程...
Cause: A synonym did not translate to a legal target object. This could happen for one of the following reasons: 1. The target schema does not exist. 2. The target object does not exist. 3. The synonym specifies an incorrect database link. ...
ORA-01109: database not open Cause: A command was attempted that requires the database to be open. Action: Open the database and try the command again ORA-01110: data file string: 'string' Cause: Reporting file name for details of another error. The reported name can be of the ...
ORA-01109: database not open 执行如下语句直到问题解决 bash-4.1$ sqlplus/assysdba SQL*Plus: Release10. Feb1604:45:202013Copyright (c)1982,2005, Oracle.Allrights reserved. Connectedto: OracleDatabase10g Express Edition Release10.