ORA-00821 是一个 Oracle 数据库错误代码,其含义是“指定的 SGA_TARGET 值太小”。这通常表明在尝试启动数据库时,SGA(系统全局区)的目标大小设置不足,无法满足数据库运行所需的最小内存要求。 2. sga_target 值设置过小的原因 SGA_TARGET 是 Oracle 数据库中一个非常重要的参数,它指定了系统全局区(SGA)的目...
SQL> startup ORA-00821: Specified value of sga_target 3072M is too small, needs to be at least 12896M SQL> startup nomount ORA-00093: _shared_pool_reserved_min_alloc must be between 4000 and 0 SQL> 出现这个这个错误,突然想起来这个服务器设置过shared_pool_size参数,于是生成pfile,检查initGS...
ORA-00821错误是因为在运行Oracle数据库容器时,设置的SGA_TARGET值太小导致的。SGA(System Global Area)是Oracle数据库在内存中分配的共享内存区域,用于高效地存储和访问数据库缓冲区、共享池、重做日志缓冲区等。如果SGA_TARGET值太小,会导致Oracle数据库无法正常启动。 解决方案 解决ORA-00821错误的方法是增加SGA_TAR...
SYS@orcl>startup ORA-00821: Specified value of sga_target 512M is too small, needs to be at least 620M ORA-00093: _shared_pool_reserved_min_alloc must be between 4000 and 0 SYS@orcl>show parameter sga NAME TYPE VALUE --- --- --- lock_sga boolean FALSE pre_page_sga boolean FALSE...
ORA-00821: Specified value of sga_target *** is too small, needs to be at least *** 而直接alter system set sga_target=20800M是不行的,因为数据库已经启动不了了,根本没法直接修改数据库参数,所以只能手动修改spfile文件来修改启动参数了
specified value too small need to be at least 1308M. Error when creating a standard OLTP database using DBCA. Yes, I can increase it to 1308 and continue. Question is why? Before, I can create databases with 20M SGA_TARGET. Changes in server since: ...
(KEY=EXTPROC_FOR_XE))) (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= The listener supports no services The command completed successfully ORA-00821: Specified value of sga_target 1184M is too small, needs to be at least 1344M ORA-01078: failure in processing system ...
Dear, Database is 12.1 with ASMM, after reboot, error occurs 'ORA-00821: Specified value of sga_target 51200M is too small, needs to be at least 51328M'.
ORA-00821: Specified value of sga_target 12000M is too small, needs to be at least 21312MServer is a zone configuration with 128GB physical memory and M7 processor, 32 cores, 256 threads. The zone is defined with no memory cap, and CPU resources are controlled by the Fair Share ...
ORA-00821: Specified value of sga_target 3072M is too small, needs to be at least 12896M 在测试PlateSpine克隆的数据库服务器时,由于资源有限,克隆过来的数据库服务器只给了9G的内存,结果在测试时,老是会出现OOMkiller导致宕机,即out of memory killer,是linux下面当内存耗尽时的的一种处理机制。当内存...