SQL>startup pfile='/home/oracle/initgabsjsb.ora'; ORA-00371:notenough shared pool memory 几经折腾发现是参数文件中缺少processes这个参数而导致,如果没有设置process,process的默认值可能根据cpu的数量来估算,会是一个很高的值,进一步造成oracle认为需要很多shared pool。因此启动时候报错如果小于2G shared pool,...
File created. 注意:如果在数据库安装目录下的dbs目录中没有找到spfile.ora文件,可以到目录下的database目录中寻找。*spfile文件一般为SPFILE实例名.ora...如我的实例名是ORCL,那么我的spfile文件为spfileORCL.ora。 3)pfile创建好之后,可以将里面的shared_pool_size修改为你需要的大小。 4)关闭数据库,从新建的pfi...
1. Instance startup with default shared_pool_size fails with below error SQL> startup nomount pfile=/tmp/inittest.ora ORA-00371: not enough shared pool memory, should be atleast 'XXXXXX' bytes 2. The parameter file inittest.ora contains only DB_NAME parameter or no SHARED_POOL_SIZE para...
ORA-00371: not enough shared pool memory, should be atleast 218227097 bytes 同事非常奇怪,那个数据库刚才用得好好的,修改了processes参数,重起之后就不成功了 操作过程: alter system set processes=2000 scope=spfile; shutdown immediate startup 然后就报ora-00371的错误 我跟他解释,因为share_pool的需要的...
ORA-00371: Not Enough Shared Pool Memory signaled on Startup Database will not start even after restore. The Server has plenty of memory. A corruption occurred previously. Changes Restore was performed or other activity related to possible corruption. Cause Sign In To view full details, sign ...
ORA-00371: not enough shared pool memory, should be at least string bytes Cause: The SHARED_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter was too small. Action: Increase the parameter value. ORA-00372: file string cannot be modified at this time Cause: attempting to modify the contents of a file...
ORA-00024: logins from more than one process not allowed in single-process mode Cause: Trying to login more than once from different processes for ORACLE started in single-process mode. Action: Logoff from the other process. ORA-00025: failed to allocate string Cause: Out of memory....
ORA-00371: not enough shared pool memory, should be atleast 62198988 bytes 因为startup的 时候是从pfile里读取shared pool memory值,所以手动修改为大于62198988的值。 >vi initorcl.ora shared_pool_size = 70000000 再尝试启动,发现又报错: SQL> startup; ...
ORA-01034: ORACLE not available ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist 然后CMD 中 sqlplus /nolog connect /as sysdba SQL> startup ORA-00371: not enough shared pool memory, should be atleast 218227097 bytes 然后报错,显示pool size过小 只能重新加载 ...
ORA-01099: 如果在单进程模式下启动,则无法在 SHARED 模式下安装数据库 ORA-01100: 数据库已安装 ORA-01101: 要创建的数据库当前正由其它例程安装 ORA-01102: 无法在 EXCLUSIVE 模式下安装数据库 ORA-01103: 控制文件中的数据库名 ” 不是 ” ORA-01104: 控制文件数 () 不等于 ...