满足上述条件的合约都给查出来,用代码实现,要这么写: $contacts = DB::table('contacts') ->where('vip', true) ->orWhere(function ($query) { $query->where('created_at', '>', Carbon::now()->subDay()) ->where('trial', false); }) ->get(); 注意整个查询约束条件由2个组成,一个是vi...
在laravel中使用'AND‘& 'OR’运算符的多个where条件 查询MS Access多个条件(where) 使用具有多个条件的_.where 构建具有多个where条件的动态mysql查询 需要解决针对多个条件的复杂where子句问题 mysql的where条件查询 我需要关于where子句中的多个条件的帮助
使用Eloquent查询在Laravel中进行排序 在Laravel雄辩查询构建器中使用whereIn和where 在Laravel的查询构建器中使用复杂的whereIn Laravel Query Builder是否在“whereIn`”语句的子查询中使用父查询? 如何使用Laravel 5.6在Laravel Eloquent中实现嵌套MySQL查询 在eloquent模型上的setConnection()之后,Laravel分页不起作用 ...
替代,将百分号的拼接放在后面的占位数组的变量中去。 参考链接:How do you parameterize whereRaw() in the query builder?
How to alias a table in Laravel Eloquent queries (or using Query Builder)? Ask Question Asked 11 years, 2 months ago Modified 1 year, 1 month ago Viewed 329k times Part of PHP Collective 204 Lets say we are using Laravel's query builder:$...
14 Laravel / Eloquent whereIn with null 7 Laravel eloquent model query for `not null` 0 eloquent only apply where if column is not null 5 Laravel eloquent get all if variable is null 0 Laravel/SQL: where column Equals NOT and NULL 2 Laravel Eloquent get where doesnt have, search...
I have a problem in my project. I have comma seperated value in my database, I want to show data that is matching any of my selected box. But I did not get my result as spected Here is my query $products = $products->where('status', 1); ...
Add themacroto the query builder, for example, in yourAppServiceProvider. By default, the name of the macro iswhereNot, but you can customize it with the first parameter of theaddMacromethod. useProtoneMedia\LaravelEloquentWhereNot\WhereNot;publicfunctionboot() {WhereNot::addMacro();// or ...
vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Relations/BelongsTo.php 添加!!! public function getForeignKeyName() { $segments = explode('.', $this->getQualifiedForeignKeyName()); return end($segments); } public function getQualifiedForeignKeyName() { return...
QueryBuilder操作方式如下: <?php // ... /** @var $query \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder */ $query->where(function($query) use ($params) { if (is_array($param['relation_id'])) { $query->whereIn('relation_id', $param['relation_id']); ...