THREE-INPUT EXCLUSIVE OR GATEPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To reduce the chip size and the power consumption by configuring the circuit with 10 MOS transistors (TRs) and two inverters.KIN TOKUCHU金徳柱
Pin 1 and 2 are the input for the first gate and 3 is the respective output for the first gate. Pin numbers 5 and 6 are inputs for the second gate whose output is pin number 4. For the third gate pin number 8 and 9 are the inputs whose output is pin number 10 for the last ...
栅极数量: 1 Gate 输入线路数量: 4 Input 输出线路数量: 2 Output 高电平输出电流: - 50 mA 低电平输出电流: 50 mA 传播延迟时间: 0.33 ns 电源电压-最大: +/- 5.7 V 电源电压-最小: +/- 4.2 V 最小工作温度: - 40 C 最大工作温度: + 85 C 安装风格: SMD/SMT 封装/ 箱体: SOIC-8 功能:...
百度爱采购为您找到76家最新的exclusive or gate产品的详细参数、实时报价、行情走势、优质商品批发/供应信息,您还可以免费查询、发布询价信息等。
In this paper, the design of the cavity-based photonic crystal (PhC) ‘OR’ Gate has been proposed. The structure consists of three waveguides and two square resonators in a PhC composed of cylindrical rods of GaAs in air. The designed logic gate possesses multi input processing capability. ...
La funzione KsGateRemoveOffInputFromOr rimuove un input esistente che si trova nello stato OFF da un gate OR.
栅极数量: 4 Gate 输入线路数量: 2 Input 输出线路数量: 1 Output 高电平输出电流: - 16 mA 低电平输出电流: 0 mA 传播延迟时间: 55 ns 电源电压-最大: 5.25 V 电源电压-最小: 4.75 V 最小工作温度: 0 C 最大工作温度: + 70 C 安装风格: Through Hole 封装/ 箱体: PDIP-...
MICRON 存储IC MT25QL128ABA8ESF-0SIT NOR闪存 SPI FLASH NOR SLC 32MX4 SOIC ¥0.68 本店由淘IC(深圳)运营支持 获取底价 深圳市科亚奇科技有限公司 商品描述 PDF资料 价格说明 联系我们 获取底价 商品描述 PDF资料 价格说明 联系我们 品牌 TI 封装 PDIP-14 批号 2020+ 数量 4300 制造商 Te...
深圳市得捷芯电子科技有限公司 3年 -- 立即询价 查看电话 QQ联系 SN74LVC1G08DCKR 品牌TEXAS INSTRUMENTSAND Gate LVC Family 1 Gate 2 Input 32 mA 1.65V to 5.5V SC-70-5SN74LVC1G08DCKR 20000 TEXASINSTRUMENTS -- ¥2.5000元100~499 ...
产品: Single-FunctionGate 逻辑功能: OR 逻辑系列: NC7S 栅极数量: 1Gate 输入线路数量: 2Input 输出线路数量: 1Output 高电平输出电流: -2.6mA 低电平输出电流: 2.6mA 传播延迟时间: 100ns 电源电压-最大: 6V 电源电压-最小: 2V 最小工作温度: -40C 最大工作温度: +85C 安装风...