1、能熟练操作OFFICE办公软件(包括word,excel,powerpoint等); 2、从事相关工作1年以上,具备一定的工程资料管理经验,熟练使用工程资料软件; 3、诚实守信、保密意识强、具有较强的责任心与抗压性; 4、耐心细致、具有较强的操作能力和学习能力。 02 ...
(5)身体健康,人品正直,工作认真细致,具有勤奋、务实和团队合作精神,愿意与律师事务所共同发展; (6)熟练操作WORD、PowerPoint、EXCEL等OFFICE办公软件,习惯使用Outlook等工具进行邮件、日程、工作任务管理。 【薪资待遇】180/天(另有午餐补贴) 【联系方式】瞿小姐13774368...
2、韵母辨正: (1)o—e—uo:新疆方言中,大多把o读成e,把uo读成ue。正音:o圆唇,e不圆唇。 o:默默、伯伯、磨破 e:合格、特色、隔阂 o——e:磨合、波折、破格、胳膊、折磨 uo:堕落、过错、火锅、懦弱(2)前鼻音、后鼻音 全国很多地方不分前后鼻音,我们新疆也是如此。发前鼻音时音发完后咬住舌尖。 in...
Saiba como ativar o Office que vem pré-instalado em novos computadores com Windows 10 ou usando uma nova chave do produto. 适用于:Microsoft 365 专属 Excel, Microsoft 365 专属 Word, Microsoft 365 专属 Outlook, Microsoft 365 专属 PowerPoint, Microsoft 365 专属 Access, OneNote for Micros...
• Skillful on office software, i.e. Word, Excel, PowerPoint; • Sustainable learning ability; • Sprit of team collaboration; • Preferred Major Background: Insurance/Risk Management, Business, Finance, Legal, Aviation (aircraft design or related major), Foreign Langua...
When I got to university, I met a fellow poet who shared my belief in the magic of spoken-word poetry.And actually, Phil Kaye and I coincidentally also share the same last name. When I was in high school I had created Project V.O.I.C.E. as...
• 协助所辖机构的车险业务推动工作。 二、岗位要求 • 大学本科及以上学历(金融、保险、精算;数学、统计;汽车工程、交通管理专业); • 该岗位面向2023/2024届应届毕业生招聘; • 熟悉运用办公软件,熟练掌握Excel/PowerPoint/Python; • 具有较强的数据分析能力及沟通协调能力。
• Craft compelling presentations, predominantly using PowerPoint, to effectively communicate insights and recommendations to clients; • Collaborate closely with our consultants, underwriters, and client managers to provide comprehensive project support and ensure seamless project deliv...