As the Telstra One Number product name suggests, it allows customers to use the same phone number across their wearables as they use on their smartphones, sharing data, call, and text inclusions from their mobile plan. "Telstra One Number paves the way for a new generation of wearables with...
Chris Donkin - Chris joined the Mobile World Live team in November 2016 having previously worked at a number of UK media outlets, with a stint in PR thrown in. Now working across all segments of MWL, Chris covers everything from regulation and M&A to smartphone launches and network ...
AS SATELLITE COLLISION RISKS INCREASE, EPHEMERIS SHARING IS VITAL- As the number of satellites in LEO continues to grow exponentially, when it comes to a satellite’s location, sharing is caring. Varying predictions have the satellite population in LEO increasing by two- to six-fold by the end...
“When the network sharing arrangement is switched on in early 2025, it should be available to all customers immediately with no disruption to services.” The good news for budget-savvy Australians This upgrade will mean the low-cost C Red plan, which Starts at 60 readers can secure for an...
Optus said solving the problem required Optus to reconnect or reboot some routers physically, requiring the dispatch of people across a number of sites in Australia. This is reportedly why the issue lasted for so long. Was resigning the right call?
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"Infrastructure-sharing is the only way to deliver competition to regional Australia, and to guarantee better choice, coverage, and investment." In October, Telstra said the best way to getmobile coverage into uneconomic partsof Australia was through programs such as the blackspot program....
AS SATELLITE COLLISION RISKS INCREASE, EPHEMERIS SHARING IS VITAL - As the number of satellites in LEO continues to grow exponentially, when it comes to a satellite’s location, sharing is caring. Varying predictions have the satellite population in LEO increasing by two- to six-fold by the en...