Opttech Sortis a High Performance Sort/Merge/Select Utility. Available forWindows,DOS,Linux, andUNIXplatforms. Usable as a stand-alone utility or callable from your programs. For over 27 years programmers and non-programmers have relied upon Opttech Sort....
那么,您如何能够确保所交付产品视觉质量(即表面外观)的一致性? 无论瑕疵出现的位置或方式如何出乎意外,人工质量检测员都能运用他们敏锐的视觉感知和即时定性判断识别它们。然而, 较快的生产线速度使得人工检测员难以在跟上处理量需求的同时以一致的方式识别细微缺陷。(基于机器的)自动化检测系统能以更快的速度进行检测...
Use Futu NiuNiu to view Opt Machine Vision Tech Co., Ltd. (688686)'s stock price, real-time quotes, latest news, historical trend charts, financial information and quotes.
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We initiate coverage on OPT Machine Vision Tech Co., Ltd. (OPT) with an OUTPERFORM rating and TP of Rmb220.65, implying 35x 2023e P/E. Why an OUTPERFORM rating? The machine vision industry has high, long-term growth potential. We believe the broad applications of machine vision technology...
Download OPT Machine Vision Tech Co. Ltd. A stock data: historical 688686 stock prices from MarketWatch.
OPT Machine Vision Tech Co., Ltd.(688686.SH) (Currency: CNY) 94.69|0.00|0.00%|Opening Call Auction 03-06 09:16:51 (EDT, GMT+8) high 0.00 open 0.00 volume 0.00 turnover 0.00% low 0.00 prev 94.69 amount 0.00 Limit-up 113.63
OPT Machine Vision Tech Co., Ltd. engages in the research, development, production, and sale of machine vision core software and hardware products. It offers software development kits, central processing units, smart cameras, lights & lighting systems, digital current controllers, industrial lenses,...