Robotics Tracking Ground Robots and Drones Animation Mocap for Film, Games, and Education Virtual Production Low latency, ultra precise camera tracking Choose camera type... Choose camera count... Layout Contents Please select your application and camera. ...
What do I get with OptiTrack Active? LED Controller Small, matchbox sized PCB controlling eight LEDs - use one for each object to be tracked. Flush mount 5/3 mm through hole LEDs that are black in color (or optional clear) and emit a wide angle invisible IR pulse seen by Slim 13e ...
通过将OptiTrack光学追踪系统采集到的精确3D数据与KMel Robotics最新的Micron Series四翼无人机相结合,可将无人机控制精度降低至20µm以下。 作为优化 机器人控制精度的跟踪系统的核心设备,OptiTrack光学动捕系统能够以持续小于0.3mm的位置误差和小于0.05°的旋转误差为地面与空中机器人提供高精度的导航与控制。 高精...
development of one version of the HMD, weapons and other objects. Passive tracking requires that each object tracked has a spatially different marker cluster, so each object must be unique. For VR deployments which benefit from a single SKU manufacturing, OptiTrack Active is the preferred solution...
Industry leading precision motion capture and 3D tracking systems for video game design, animation, virtual reality, robotics, and movement sciences.
An OptiTrack pipeline is straightforward, offering several unique features that combine to reduce system setup time by up to 75%. Aim Assist, auto-masking, versatile hardware and the industry's longest range cameras make even large systems easy to setup with just one person. ...
OptiTrack 先进的刚体解算器是业内最好的,能够在具有多个目标的广阔区域上提供完美的 6DoF(自由度)数据。 设置简单 OptiTrack 流程简单明了,提供多种独特功能,可将系统设置时间缩短高达 75%。辅助瞄准、自动遮罩、多功能硬件和业内最远距离的摄像头让即使是大型系统也只需一个人即可轻松设置。该系统开箱即用。机器...
Primex系列产品可与Prime系列产品一起混合使用,即,您可以在同一个动作捕捉空间内使用不同型号的OptiTrack摄像机,有助于用户无缝升级系统,实现差异化设计,兼顾最高性价比和最佳3D捕捉精度。 系统自动连续校准 OptiTrack系统在第一次安装时需要进行一次标定校准,对红外摄像机阵列3D空间布局初始化和动捕空间坐标原点设定,...