foreign currency futures 外币期货 futures options 期货选择权指针的物为期货的选择权。在选择权契约到期后,若买方要求履约,此时即成期货部位。期货选择权权利金通常较期货保证金为低。 options on futures 期货选择权选择权标的物为期货,可能是各种商品或金融期货。参见:option, options on physicals. options on ...
外汇期货期权(options on foreign currency futures)指以货币期货合约为期权合约的基础资产。也就是期权买方有在期权到期日 …|基于2个网页 3. 外汇期货期权交易 外汇期货期权交易(Options on Foreign Currency Futures)指期权买方有权利在到期日之前,以协定价格购入或售出一定数量 … ...
options on foreign currency futures外币期货期权 options on futures contract期货合约的期权交易 futures style option on futures期货式的期货选择权 英国曾将期货选择权的交易方式比照期货,买方仅支付部分权利金(*premium),再行每日结算,但风险非常高。 参见:options on futures. ...
They also use currency futures, currency options, and currency futures options for various corporate functions. While speculators trade currencies in these three markets for profit, MNCs use them to cover open positions in foreign currencies.This chapter is divided into three closely related sections....
There are different types of futures option. These are – Options on index future, Options on currency future; Future options in the share market; and Options on interest rate futures. Traders or investors in such instruments basically speculate on the futures contracts price and not the asset,...
外汇期货foreign currency futures是买卖外汇的期货;期权options是指在未来某时以一定价格购买股票的权力;远期合约forward contracts是指在未来某一时间以特定价格交易现货。
August 9, 2024 at 7:01 pm Hi Sir, I had the concept of futures but I do not understand the logic behind it. As you said we do it to cancel out the risk but as of my real life experience not of LIFE tho but as far as I know The percentage of risk compare to percentage of ...
An option on futures gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a futures contract at a specific price, on or before its expiration.
Futures 2 CurrencyFutures CurrencyFutures CallOption:Anoptionthatgivestheownertherighttobuyacurrency.•PerformancePayoffProfile Thegainontheunderlyingpositionis:Bond or Initial Margin:The customermustputupfundstoguaranteethe0195·8·€62,500=$9,750.Ontheotherhand,futurescontractsarestandardizedintermsoftiming...