AVX3Threshold OpenJDK11 int x86 4096range(0, max_jint) diagnostic Minimum array size in bytes to use AVX512 intrinsics for copy, inflate and fill. When this value is set as zero compare operations can also use AVX512 intrinsics. cpu/x86/globals_x86.hpp AbortVMOnCompilationFailure OpenJDK11...
range(1, max_uintx)product Adaptive size scale down factor for shrinking share/gc/shared/gc_globals.hpp AdaptiveSizeMajorGCDecayTimeScaleuintxgc10 range(0, max_uintx)product Time scale over which major costs decay share/gc/shared/gc_globals.hpp ...
share/runtime/globals.hpp AutoBoxCacheMax OpenJDK6 intx c2 128range(0, max_jint) product Sets max value cached by the java.lang.Integer autobox cache share/opto/c2_globals.hpp AvgMonitorsPerThreadEstimate OpenJDK16 size_t runtime 1024range(0, max_uintx) product Used to estimate a variab...
share/runtime/globals.hpp ArrayAllocatorMallocLimitsize_truntime(size_t)-1product Allocation less than this value will be allocated using malloc. Larger allocations will use mmap. share/runtime/globals.hpp ArrayCopyLoadStoreMaxElemintxc28 range(0, max_intx)product ...