此时,如果股票市价为14元,那么根本不会有buy call的人行权,如果行权,我就可以在市场上以市价14买入,市价15卖出,那样我不仅获了权利金,还会有额外收入(但buy call的人会有额外损失) 此时,如果股票市价为16元,那么buy call的人行权,我则必须从市场上以16元购入股票,15元卖出履行义务 4. sell put 操作:出售看跌...
看涨期权(Call Option):预测价格会上涨,买入后可按较低的行权价买入(buy)标的资产。 看跌期权(Put Option):预测价格会下跌,买入后可按较高的行权价卖出(sell)标的资产。 2. 怎么行权? 行权的方式有两种: 实物交割(Physical Settlement):实际买入或卖出标的资产。 现金结算(Cash Settlement):只结算行权价(Strike...
Buy call, you think there is a strike price the stock will go UP to Buy put, you think there is a strike price that stock will go down from Sell options involve obligations Selling a call or put optionflips over this directional logic. More importantly, the writer takes on an obligation...
Options are derivatives that allow investors to exchange the right to buy or sell a specific security at a specific price. There are two primary types of options: call options and put options. Call options give the holder of the contract the right to purchase the underlying security, while ...
Covered Options是指正股总量和sell call的数量一致,现金/国债总量和sell put所需的准备金一致。即使行权时间不在同一天,只要上述数量不对应,就不属于covered options,到期行权时是无法roll out的。我们无法判断市场向上和向下到底多疯狂,所以不论是裸put还是裸call都
This is the stock the options relate to (AAPL in the above example) Call/Put Does the contact give the right to buy or sell shares? Strike Price At what price can an option be bought/sold Expiry When do the option owner’s rights expire? Monthlies/Weeklys Most options,...
Speculation – Sell calls or buy puts on bearish securities Investors can benefit from downward price movements by either selling calls or buying puts. The upside to the writer of a call is limited to the option premium. The buyer of a put faces a potentially unlimited upside but with a lim...
买权(买入选择权,Call Option)让持有者可以在到期日之前,以特定价格买进商品;卖权(卖出选择权,Put Option)让持有者可以在到期日前,用特定价格卖出某商品。 基本的买卖方式有四种,分别是: 买进买权(Buy Call):认为未来会涨 卖出买权(Sell Call):认为未来不会大涨(持平或看跌) ...
Vertical call/put spread: Buy (sell) one call (put) and sell (buy) and more out-of-the-money call (put). Vertical spreads that profit in up markets arebull spreads; in down markets they'rebear spreads. Calendar Spread: Buy (sell) an option with one maturity to sell (buy) an optio...
Calls vs. puts: Option chains typically separate call options (the right to buy) from put options (the right to sell). This division allows traders to focus straightaway on bullish or bearish strategies. Filters and customization: Most trading platforms enable you to customize your options chain...