This style of function declaration has been deprecated in PHP 8.0 . Writing functions like this has never made sense, since all parameters (up to the last required one) would need to be specified when the function was called. The new deprecation simply ensures that function signatures follow ...
__get(string $key) Dynamically access a property on the underlying object. bool __isset(mixed $name) Dynamically check a property exists on the underlying object. bool offsetExists(mixed $key) Determine if an item exists at an offset. mixed offsetGet(mixed $key) Get an item at ...
Closed Required parameter $dompdf follows optional parameter $paper#747 waithawooopened this issueDec 14, 2020· 12 comments Labels stale Comments have the same problem when using php 8.0 xoco70 Mar 1, 2021 • edited Same here with PHP8.0.2 - I fixed it using "barryvdh/laravel-dompdf": ...
Laravel Version: 8.20.1 PHP Version: 8.0.0 Blueprint Version: 1.20.0 Platform: Mac Issue: Runningphp artisan blueprint:buildon the following draft file produces the following error: $ php artisan blueprint:build ErrorException Required parameter $type follows optional parameter $data at vendor/l...
I found a simpler way by adding another parameter to the query(simplePaginate): condition 1 ( simplePaginate is in the query) : $request->has('simplePaginate') condition 2 ( simplePaginate is not in query) !$request->has('simplePaginate') although I didn't want to add anothe...