如何使 <option selected="selected"> 由MySQL 和 PHP 设置? 我的代码: echo '<select>'; $tempholder = array(); $rs = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM id ORDER BY year"); $nr = mysql_num_rows($rs); for ($i=0; $i<$nr; $i++){ $r = mysql_fetch_array($rs); //if($year==$r...
针对于PHP 下的selected="selected" 赋值无效 <select autocomplete="off" ></select> 就可以解决 Registering Everone!
<option {$style} value="" . $included_vars_chain . "&order_by=" . $order_list[$counter] . "-DESC"; $return_string .= """;$return_string.=is_selected_option($order_list[$counter]."-DESC",req("order_by"));$return_string.=">".translate($order_list_text[$counter])." Desc ...
<?php $sql="SELECT id FROM signinconfday "; $res= mysql_query($sql,$news); while($date= mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { ?> <option value=<?phpecho$date['id'] ?> <?phpif($date['id'] =="参数二") {echo"selected=\"selected\"";} ?>> ...
<option value=''></option> {foreach $getFarmSensorFunctionList as $k=>$v} <option value='{$k}' {in name="k" value="$row.id"}selected=""{/in} >{$v}</option> {/foreach} </select> </div> </div> 我们可以把这段循环改成select之后的数据循环 {foreach $getFarmSensorFunctionLis...
option is selected, set the default$valid_input[$setting]=!isset($input[$setting])?$option_defaults[$setting]:$input[$setting];// If submit, validate/sanitize $inputif('submit'==$submittype){// Get the setting details from the defaults array$optiondetails=$option_parameters[$setting];//...
The following new option is available in ibm_db2 version 1.8.0 and later. rowcount DB2_ROWCOUNT_PREFETCH_ON- Client can request the full row count prior to fetching, which means thatdb2_num_rows()returns the number of rows selected even when aROLLFORWARD_ONLYcursor is used. ...
}<selectname="sprint[]"id="choices-multiple-remove-button"class="form-select w-full"placeholder="Select the sprint to bulk"multiple>@foreach($sprints as $sprint)<optionvalue="{{ $sprint->id }}"{{old('sprint_id', $sprint->title ?? '') == $sprint->id ? 'selected' : '' }} ...
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