作者: //@流浪的阿信:昨天到过这个价钱(strike price - option price),但我还是没看懂,如果能更低点,就挂个小买单跟一下//@大道无形我有型:卖了一点点Put,有想在这个价位或以下买点goog的打算。 $谷歌C(GOOG)$ 在谈到谷歌AI时,Jeff Dean表示:聊天机器人很容易受到偏见和虚假信息的影响,而谷歌是一家拥有...
沪江词库精选option strike price是什么意思、英语单词推荐 期权履约价 相似短语 option strike price 期权履约价 strike price 期权结算价格;期权执行价格;履约价格;约定价格;预购价格 option exercise price 期权履约价 option purchase price 期权买入价 at option prep.随意 strike ... as ... 使…...
When the volatility of the underlying decreases, the value of the option also decreases, meaning that the upper payoff value of the hedge portfolio combining them declines. However, the lower payoff value remains at zero.【释义】最初,看涨期权的行权价与标的资产市场价格相等,二叉树模型假设资产的...
option strike price 英[ˈɔpʃən straik prais] 美[ˈɑpʃən straɪk praɪs][词典] 期权履约价;[例句]An option with a strike price equal to the underlying futures price.一个期权的执行价等于其原生期货的价格。
到平台的option交易栏里,找不同交割日的各个strike price的买卖价格,跟股票一样交易,一手表示100股//@无问西东2018:请问怎样卖call,或者put? $跟谁学(GSX)$ 最近做多跟谁学的经历 $GSX 经过周五的大涨,跟谁学股价逐渐回到被做空前的高点区间。手头的正股、call、卖出的put都有不错的收益,周五收盘前锁定了大部分利...
百度试题 题目Consider a call option with a strike price of 32. If the stock price at expiration is 41, the value of the call option is: A. 9. B. 0. C. $41. 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 A 略 反馈 收藏
The strike price is the price at which the holder of the option can exercise the option to buy or sell an underlying security, depending on
看涨期权给予拥有者在行权日(expiration date)前购买某资产的权利,当行权价(exercise/strike price)小于市价时,拥有者选择执行该期权买入标的物。 看跌期权给予拥有者在行权日前出售某资产的权利,当行权价大于市价时,拥有者选择执行该期权出售标的物。 购买期权所需要的花费称为权利金(prenium),prenium也可指保险行业...
For a European call option X(strike price)=25 and a European call option X=30 on the same stock with the same time to expiration, it is true that, when the 30 call is at or in the money, the strongest statement we can make is:() A. the value of the 25 call is greater than...
The option strike price (also known as the exercise price) is a term used in options trading. Options are derivatives. These financial instruments are ‘derived’ from another underlying security such as a stock, and give the right (but not the obligation) to buy or sell the underlying at ...