但是每当插上一个windows外界键盘的时候,win键默认为command,而alt默认是option,这就搞得command键位不是很舒服了,作为一个穷学生,又买不起mac外接键盘,只能这样默默地忍受着这种不和谐,心里默默流泪。 但是天晓得,原来mac是支持去修改键盘的command/option键位的,可以让你的pc键盘的commad键和option切换的!这真TMD...
A simple solution to this problem is toremap the Windows and ALT key and the command and option/alt keys on the Windows PC keyboard connected to the Mac, so that the keyboard layouts will mimic expectations based on the standard Apple modifier key layout, rather than what it says on the ...
I'm using a Mac Mini with a PC keyboard and I would like to know what are the keys I have to use as Command and Option. I want to restart pressing Option to access all the disks, but I do not know what key I have to press on a PC keyboard. Posted on Jan 4, 2019 8:05 AM...
在这种键盘布局下,右alt键(AltGr)的行为类似于Mac键盘上的Option键,允许键入特殊符号。 要启用该功能,请先安装扩展程序,然后依次转到Chrome操作系统设置>语言和输入>管理输入法> US Mac Option键盘。 然后,返回“语言”并输入,然后选择“ US Mac Option Keyboard”将其启用。
I used to have a MacBook Pro, 2017, with macOS Ventura 13.7.1 and used Microsoft Remote Desktop app for connection to my Windows machine at work. With this setup it was possible to use the Option keys on the keyboard as Alt keys on Windows. Now I have a MacBook Pro, 2024, with ...
如果你使用“启动转换”从 Microsoft Windows 进行启动,请调整“启动磁盘”偏好设置,以改为从 macOS 启动。随后关机或重新启动,然后再试一次。 适用于基于 Intel 的 Mac 的组合键 Command (⌘)-R:从内建 macOS 恢复系统启动。或者,你也可以使用 Option-Command-R 或 Shift-Option-Command-R 以通过互联网从“...
I've tried both an Apple Keyboard and Microsoft Keyboard, both wired. Any ideas? Thanks!Best Answered by Jenny Zeng Answered on Tuesday, December 3, 2024 If pressing the Option key at startup doesn't bring up the Startup Manager on Mac, check the following tips: ① If your Mac has ...
Neovim 0.9.5 (Mac) Lazy.vim A couple issues: I think this repo should explicitly state Windows only? It fails trying to load an .exe binary at launch. The other Codeium.nvim repo installs and runs fine. However it is missing the documentation on setting up alternative keybindings, but...
Where is Option on a windows keyboard? Like some Mac keyboards, Windows keyboards also lack the Option key. It’s possible to use a Windows keyboard with a Mac – and just as you’d expect if you’ve read the above, the Alt key is the one to use when the Option key is called for...
存到 ~/Library/Keyboar\ Layouts/ 文件中, 到System Preference 的input source里选择这个输入,optio...