Stata 6: What do I do if the command that I need cannot be used with by? Title Stata 6: Using while loops when the by command is not an option Author Jeremy B. Wernow, StataCorp There are several commands in Stata that will not allow the by command as an option. Two examples...
Required: No Status Not supported by Neptune. Type: String Required: No For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: Document Conventions DBClusterMember DBClusterParameterGroup Questa pagina ti è stata utile?
* Install packages cap mkdir "libraries" cap mkdir "libraries/stata" net set ado "libraries/stata" local github "" net install ftools, from("`github'/sergiocorreia/ftools/master/src/") replace net install reghdfe, from("`github'/sergiocorreia/reghdfe/master...
TaskAgentMinAgentVersionRequiredUpdate TaskAgentPool TaskAgentPoolActionFilter TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceDefinition TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceJob TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceJobResult TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceJobStatus TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceJobTargetAgent TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceOptions TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceRetentionPolicy TaskAgent...
group. So I make the do file containing local i = 1 while `i' <= 3 { ttest var`i', by(group) local i = `i' + 1 } Then, ttest for var1 is ok, but with var2 STATA makes error "r(420) 1group found, 2 required" (because of data missing) and stops without ttesting for...
Although national standard operating procedures required a routine phone call three days after a missed appointment in order to re-engage women into care or ascertain the outcome, 60% of women could not be contacted due to incorrect contact details (phone numbers did not exist, were unreachable,...
Parameter: SELECT GROUP These instructions are to be used in conjunction with ESP 7, Option 1 instructions. PARAMETERSTORED This parameter can be set to EXT, 1, 2, 3 or 4 and is used in conjunction with the I/O porting. When fitting or removing a new option board: 1. Anti Static ...
the bootstrap is guaranteed to work. Note that your -gettoken- way of parsing the input variables completely obscures what the program does. You could've used -args-, or better yet -syntax varlist(numeric min=2 max=2), or two required options like -outcome(varname) group(varname)-....
Undoubtedly, further studies with a wider sample and a longer follow-up are required to strengthen our results, and to investigate potential structural biomarkers of responsiveness; in particular, prospective comparative trials will be needed to investigate SYML as a first line of treatment in naïve...