LINKFLAGS=[ "-Os", "-nostdlib", "-Wl,--no-check-sections", "-Wl,-static", "-Wl,--gc-sections", "-Wl,-wrap,system_restart_local", "-Wl,-wrap,spi_flash_read", "-u", "app_entry", "-u", "_printf_float", "-u", "_scanf_float", "-u", "_DebugExceptio...
UEFI Platform Initialization Specification, Volume 5 Standards, 1.2.1 Errata A: Relevant info from UEFI 2.3.1 spec: 2.5.1: Legacy Option ROM Issues 10: Protocols –UEFI Driver Model 13.4.2: PCI Option ROMs ...
debug之gcc: error: unrecognized command line option '--showme:link'; did you mean '--force-link' 2020-08-07 23:05 −... Yan12345678 0 3325 Error running 'xxx': Command line is too long. Shorten command line for xxx 2019-12-19 10:55 −跑单元测试时,报错如下: Error running 'xx...
const char kForceAppMode[] = "force-app-mode"; // Displays the First Run experience when the browser is started, regardless of // whether or not it's actually the First Run (this overrides kNoFirstRun). const char kForceFirstRun[] = "force-first-run"; // Displays the What's New...
Security Insights Additional navigation options Open orschiroopened this issueMar 13, 2014· 4 comments orschirocommentedMar 13, 2014 Hi there, On each startup of brackets I get the following warning: ATTENTION: default value of option force_s3tc_enable overridden by environment ...
所有的寄存器操作完成后,可以将FLASH_CR寄存器OBL_LAUNCH( Force the option byte loading)位置1,即可对所有的配置立即生效,否则需要系统复位才能生效; 所有的寄存器配置详细可查阅参考手册RM0440. 2.2 软件修改Option byte流程 当需要使用软件修改Option bytes时,建议使用以下步骤: ...
-f:强制(force)copy,如果目录下已经有了一个文件,会覆盖; 一般这两个是最常用的命令。比如下图中的abc文件下有a、b、c三个文件夹,直接用cp -rf即可copy,因为是文件夹,如果没有加-r会有提示报错,第二次cp -rf 的时候没有提示要覆盖。 其它option也会有各自的场景应用,相应的没有上面两个用的多一点,这...
I have a problem that has just started with all Office 365 Apps.1. I start the app, e.g. Outlook.2. A privacy popup appears asking me if I want to send...
I have to integrate export to KML option in one of my project. I could not see this option while googling. Is there option to do this? <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Leaflet.draw vector editing handlers</title> <script src="libs/leaflet-src.js"></script> <link rel="styl...
Parameter Set: OptionIds Set-DhcpServerv6OptionValue [-OptionId] <UInt32> [-Value] <String[]> [[-Prefix] <IPAddress> ] [-AsJob] [-CimSession <CimSession[]> ] [-ComputerName <String> ] [-Force] [-PassThru] [-ReservedIP <IPAddress> ] [-ThrottleLimit <Int32> ] [-UserClass <Str...