ivprobit dependent x y l.z (zz = mz pz), vce(cluster country ) twostep first vcetype 'cluster' not allowed r(198); Nick Cox wrote: Typically options belong together after a single comma, for example: ivprobit dependent x y l.z (zz = mz pz), vce(cluster) twostep first There are...
Add a new peer discovery backend that simply takes 1 node name and only that node is allowed to form a new cluster while all the other nodes need to join it. This will require some changes to the generic parts of the peer discovery mechanism, since it currently always falls back to form...
属性名 缺省值 意义 集群管理器Cluster Managers 每种集群管理都有自己额外的配置参数. 可以在下面的页面中找到每种管理器相应的配置: YARN Mesos Standalone Mode 环境变量 有些Spark设置可以通过环境变量来设置, 从Spark文件夹中的conf/spark-env.sh脚本中读取(Windows操作系统中用conf/spark-env.cmd). 在Standal...
I have encountered the situation where the size of a ca-bundle exceeds the allowed size of a configmap and/or secret. Options: the allowed size of a configmap and/or secret can be increased, though this will increase what's allowed cluster-wide use a pvc instead, which has no size limit...
MySQL looks for option files in the order described in the following discussion and reads any that exist. If an option file you want to use does not exist, create it using the appropriate method, as just discussed. Note For information about option files used with NDB Cluster programs, see...
Cluster 6.38.1. 获取 GET 获取GET follow 6.38.2. refreshglusterhealstatus POST 6.38.3. 删除 DELETE 6.38.4. resetemulatedmachine POST 6.38.5. syncallnetworks POST 6.38.6. 更新 PUT 6.38.7. 升级 POST 升级POST correlation_id 6.39. ClusterEnabledFeature Cluster...
MySQL NDB Cluster 8.0 Partitioning Stored Objects INFORMATION_SCHEMA Tables MySQL Performance Schema MySQL sys Schema Connectors and APIs MySQL Enterprise Edition MySQL Workbench MySQL on OCI Marketplace MySQL 8.0 Frequently Asked Questions Error Messages and Common Problems ...
action="store_true", help="only query the cluster leader") parser.add_option_group(group) 开发者ID:EdwardLee03,项目名称:zookeeper,代码行数:9,代码来源:check_zookeeper.py 示例7: parse_options ▲点赞 1▼ # 需要导入模块: from optparse import OptionGroup [as 别名]# 或者: from optparse.Option...
Mongo Cluster Monitor MySQL NetApp Files Network Network Analytics New Relic Observability Nginx Notification Hubs Operator Nexus - Network Cloud Oracle Database Orbital Palo Alto Networks Peering Playwright Testing Policy Insights PostgreSQL Power BI Dedicated Private DNS Provider Hub Purview Qumulo Quota Re...
add the "robust"/ "cluster" option after fe, it doesn't work. It was said "Option robust not allowed". I'm wondering whether there's a bug with my version of Stata. There isn't a bug in your version of Stata, that option