//数据自动刷新,必然需要一个监听机制告诉Echarts重新设置数据 if (this.myChart) { if (newVal) { this.myChart.setOption(newVal); } else { this.myChart.setOption(oldVal); } } else { this.initEchart(); } }, deep: true //对象内部属性的监听,关键。 } }, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7....
pie chart组件离容器左侧的距离。left 的值可以是像 20 这样的具体像素值,可以是像 '20%' 这样相对于容器高宽的百分比,也可以是 'left', 'center', 'right'。如果 left 的值为'left', 'center', 'right',组件会根据相应的位置自动对齐。top 组件离容器上侧的距离pie chart组件离容器上侧的距离。top 的...
window.addEventListener('resize', ()=>{this.charts.resize() }) } }</script><stylelang="scss"scoped>.chart-container{height:100%;}</style> options: import echarts from 'echarts'//间距const grid ={ top:'10%', left:'8%', right:'1%', bottom:'10%'}//隐藏x轴刻度const hideXAxis ...
Disclosed are a system for providing an option chart and a method thereof. The system for providing an option chart comprises: an interface module for receiving option information including information on a call option and a put option having a plurality of event prices; and a control module ...
双击graph图像,然后编辑,进入chart editor,再双击图像,进入properties窗口,将border的选择改为白色就可以了
myChart.setOption(option); 在同一个option标签中,进行多个不同图表的渲染。 根据后台数据,可以动态设置显示图表,该功能主要根据各个模块的show来进行控制。在饼图的无数据展示的时候,来对其进行隐藏的时候,则不能使用show,需要使用stillShowZeroSum。 option = {//简单的 柱状图+饼图 展示 ...
let chart = echarts.init(document.getElementById(id)); chart.clear(); //画图之前,清除内容 chart.setOption({ legend: { x: "center", y: "bottom", itemWidth: 21, itemHeight: 7, textStyle: { fontSize: 10, color: "#21E4FE", ...
quotes Price Overview Performance Report charts Interactive Chart Snapshot Chart technicals Barchart Opinion Trading Strategies Top Trade Alerts Technical Analysis Trader's Cheat Sheet Seasonal Returns Price History Historical Data options Options Prices Volatility & Greeks Options Flow Options Time & Sales...
quotes Price Overview Performance Report charts Interactive Chart Snapshot Chart technicals Barchart Opinion Trading Strategies Top Trade Alerts Technical Analysis Trader's Cheat Sheet Seasonal Returns Price History Historical Data options Options Prices Volatility & Greeks Options Flow Options Time & Sales...
Volume chart showing the most active strikes for calls and puts. Chance of profit View the chance of profit and probability distribution in the optimizer and visualizer. Net greeks See the combined greeks for multi-leg strategies and greeks charted over time on the table and chart. ...