The meaning of BUYER'S OPTION is an option allowed to one who contracts to buy stocks at a certain future date and at a certain price to demand instead the delivery of the stock (giving one day's notice) at any previous time at the market price.
Define traded options. traded options synonyms, traded options pronunciation, traded options translation, English dictionary definition of traded options. n stock exchange an option that can itself be bought and sold on a stock exchange. Compare traditio
aAn option provides the purchaser of the option with the right,but not the obligation, to buy from or sell to the seller (writer) of the option a commodity or financial instrument in the future at a price agreed today. 选择提供选择的采购员以权利,但不是义务,买从或在将来卖对 (选择的) ...
The difference between buying and selling a call option is that an investor will buy a call option when he thinks the value of the underlying stock will increase. An investor will sell a call option when he thinks the value of the underlying stock will decrease or stay the same. The buyer...
In The Money Calls Put Options What is a Put Option? Make Money with Put Options Long Put Options In The Money Put Options Buying & Selling How To Buy Calls Selling Calls Writing Covered Calls Using A Stop Order Selling A Naked Call Selling A Naked Put Exercising An Option Options Pric...
A call option provides the buyer the rights but not the obligations to buy the underlying asset at the strike price, when the option expires. A put... Learn more about this topic: Options Basics: Stocks, Payoffs & Puts & Calls
In The Money Calls Put Options What is a Put Option? Make Money with Put Options Long Put Options In The Money Put Options Buying & Selling How To Buy Calls Selling Calls Writing Covered Calls Using A Stop Order Selling A Naked Call Selling A Naked Put Exercising An Option Options Pric...
designated price in the future. There are two type of currency futures options: currency futures calls and currency futures puts. A currency futures call option gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy a particula 货币未来选择赋予持有人在将来购买或卖外币的权力以一个选定的价格...
A simple Python API for Investopedia's stock simulator games. This programmatically logs into Investopedia and can retrieve portfolio summary, get stock quotes & option chain lookups, execute trades - buy & sell shares, puts, calls, sell short, etc. - d
Today's volume has been in the high side of the bid-ask spread, indicating these new contracts are being opened from the buy side. InvestorsKeyhole Trade Alert IK-> The technicals for USB ($55.25 up $.73) are bullish with an upward trend. The stock has support about $54.45. Look ...