Optimus Prime Edition Edition Size: 1750 Optimus Prime Edition Regular Version $1,899.00 Autobots, we charge together! Now, roll out! Transformers: Age of Extinction arrives on Digital HD tomorrow! Prime 1 Studio is proud to present MMTFM-05 Grimlock & Optimus prime Transformers Statue,The ulti...
The Museum Masterline Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (Film) Optimus Prime made by Prime 1 Studio ( MMTFM-28 ) is now available for the fan of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (Film)
ORDERS CLOSED 1/10 ScaleEdition Size:650Sold out! Retail: SGD $2,199.00 Optimus Prime SKU: XM70001MSGCategory: Premium CollectiblesTag:Transformers
柱子哥 G1 版本的经典手绘 擎天柱(Optimus Prime)是《变形金刚》系列中最著名和最受欢迎的角色之一,他是汽车人的领袖,也是一位正义、勇敢、智慧和仁慈的战士。他的口号是“自由是所有有感知生命的权利”(Freedom is the right of all sentient beings),他为了保护地球和赛博坦星不惜与霸天虎进行殊死的战斗。他的伪...
Flame Toys - Transformers Optimus Prime and the latest Flame Toys Products, Transformers, Third Party Toys and Collectibles available now at Ages Three and Up.
这是变形金刚美版新的玩具系列泰坦归来(Titan Return)中的产品:Powermaster Optimus Prime,能量战士擎天柱。既然是
它回来了!擎天柱Optimus Prime Prime 1 Studio 新品雕像预告:《变形金刚2:堕落者的复仇》擎天柱 雕像,将于6月5日开订。 #变形金刚##变形金刚[超话]##擎天柱##擎天柱[超话]#
日前才推出超霸气的擎天柱(Optimus Prime)巨大雕像,日本知名雕像品牌Prime 1 Studio 公司将推出另一款来自电影《变形金刚5:最终骑士》(Transformers: The Last Knight)的重量级作品天王「威震天」(Megatron)全身雕像,预计2018年6~8月发货!! ...