It is important to maintain indoor humidity at an appropriate level. This study presents a method for the optimum and reliable design of indoor humidity with moisture-buffering materials. An optimum design system was developed using Genetic Algorithm (GA) and the transient simulation for the indoor...
OptimumAIR provides automated and continuous system-level optimization of direct digital controlled (DDC) variable air volume air handlers, ensuring building space temperature, flow and humidity requirements are met in the most efficient manner possible. Interoperable with multiple building automation systems...
Learn More White Paper extension : pdf Quest for Genius.pdf Download To access more technical documentation and downloads, please visit theLG B2B Partner Portal. Find a Dealer Find a dealer helping your sales, installation and after-sales service. ...
Comfort level measurement (Indoor Air Quality)... Company Testo SE & Co. KGaA, with its headquarters in the Black Forest, is a world market leader in the field of portable and stationary measurement solutions. Learn more Climate...
In industry, but also in public buildings as well as in the private sector, it may be necessary to measure some values involving the air. In addition to temperature and humidity, the CO2value for example also provides information about the indoor air quality. In order to ensure pleasant IAQ...
OptimumAIR provides automated and continuous system-level optimization of direct digital controlled (DDC) variable air volume air handlers, ensuring building space temperature, flow and humidity requirements are met in the most efficient manner possible. Interoperable with multiple building automation systems...
To achieve this, various sensors to obtain the moisture level of the soil, temperature, and humidity of the air around the plant. The cloud technologies and deep learning techniques are used to store, process, and obtain the optimum time. Since the data received is time-series data, we use...
For measuring volume flow, temperature and relative humidity at larger swirl outlets. Differential pressure meter Ideal for measuring pressure differences at filters and for carrying out pitot static tube measurements in air ducts. Multifunction measuring instruments ...
Measurement of air and surface temperature, humidity, air velocity and volume flow Measurement menus for volume flow measurement in ducts and at outlets, identification of mould risk, easy image documentation including IR temperature reading and measurement spot marking ...
There are alsodataloggerswhich can be used to test the optimum conditions for specific products. In particular, temperature data loggers are often used. A USB data logger can ensure particularly easy handling. However, there are still further practical solutions. ...