A fractional-order (FO) controller has many evident benefits over an integer-order controller in the frequency regulation domain. An additional DOF, more flexible parameters, and a larger range of slopes are a few of these benefits [33,34]. As a result, many researchers have used FO controll...
A boiler is a machine used to generate steam under pressure. The block diagram of a drum-type boiler is shown in Fig.1c. The transfer functions of the pressure control unit, fuel system and boiler storage are [70]: $$\left.\begin{array}{c}{G}_{\mathrm{PC}}(s)=\frac{{K}_{\m...
The operating temperature is an additional factor because an increase in temperature reduces the efficiency of the PV cells and vice-versa. Moreover, the output power of the WT generator is influenced by the cut-in, cut-out, and rated speed specified by the manufacturer. Thus, it is ...