Visual Studio Code is built to handle many smaller dependent projects instead of one large project. However, as the base application isn't yet split into modules or components that allow managing the code in smaller projects, we recommend the following performance optimizations.Open...
如果您目前使用的是舊版 Visual Studio (例如 Visual Studio 2017 或 Visual Studio 2019),請免費下載Visual Studio 2022,以查看其改善的效能。 解決方案載入速度也比舊版快,其他方面的效能也有所改善。 您可在已安裝舊版或新版 Visual Studio 的電腦上安裝 Visual Studio。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱Install Visual St...
Visual Studio 分析工具會使用集合臨時目錄來儲存效能追蹤,然後再加以儲存或捨棄。 根據預設,分析工具會使用您的暫存目錄。 不過,您可以指定不同的臨時目錄:首先開啟 [診斷工具視窗] ([偵錯]>[Windows]>[顯示診斷工具]),然後選擇 [選取工具]>[設定]>[一般]>[臨時目錄]。相關...
including the ability to turn Windows features like memory integrity and VMP on and off. Gamers who want to prioritize performance have the option to turn off these features while gaming and turn them back on when finished playing. However, if turned off, the device may be vu...
To minimize errors, consider using a script editor that runs syntax checking. By using Visual Studio, you can rename the extension of the PAC file to ".js" during editing, but rename it back to ".pac" before uploading it to the webserver....
If an extension is slowing down Visual Studio startup, the extension appears in theManage Visual Studio Performance dialogbox when you choose one of the extension types. If the impact on startup time (which is listed under theImpactsection) is unacceptably high, you can choose to always disabl...
Figure 1. How GPT-C Model deployed in Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code We measured the latency of the GPT-C ONNX model on both CPU and GPU configurations. CPU performance measurement was done on a laptop machine with an Intel® Core® i7-8650U CPU. Compared ...
Visual Builder Studio makes it easy to optimize your application with a specific "optimize application" checkbox that is part of thepackage visual application build step. When you check this checkbox we'll be using a bunch of utilities to compress your app, reduce the number of files inv...
// Disable all pointer visual feedback for better performance when using touch. auto pointerVisualizationSettings = PointerVisualizationSettings::GetForCurrentView(); pointerVisualizationSettings->IsContactFeedbackEnabled = false; pointerVisualizationSettings->IsBarrelButtonFeedbackEnabled = false; Monitor...
Tested on Windows 11 Pro + Visual Studio 2022 17.11.2 with builtin CMake 3.29.5-msvc4. 🚀2 maflckocommentedSep 13, 2024 Nice! So this looks like a massive speedup on Windows. I think the two commits can be squashed, because they do the same thing (just to different files), like...