Across our OptiMelt facilities, our capabilities include: Potent handling DEA schedule drug handling Pilot feasibility scale extruders cGMP development and commercial scale extruders Related Topics Spray Drying Technology Controlled Release Delivery Softgel Technology Contact Us Expert...
Summary The operation of glass furnaces with oxy-fuel combustion in combination with advanced heat recovery is a compelling low cost solution. Praxair has developed a new heat recovery technology for oxy-fuel fired furnaces in which regenerators are used in a similar way as conventional regenerator...
The OPTIMELT Thermo-Chemical Regenerator (TCR) technology uses the stored waste heat to reform a mixture of natural gas and recirculated flue gas to hot syngas, resulting in efficient heat recovery. The natural gas reacts endothermically in the hot checker pack with the water vapour and CO 2...
The OPTIMELT™ Thermochemical Regenerator (TCR) process is an advanced heat recovery technology for oxy-fuel fired glass furnaces. This enhanced technology utilizes conventional regenerators and endot...
MPA100全自动熔点仪,熔点仪,毛细管熔点仪,美国SRS OptiMelt MPA100,Opti上传者 上海子期实验设备有限公司 立即下载 资料简介 美国SRS OptiMelt MPA100全自动熔点仪可以三通道同时测定,使用铂RTD传感器,温度范围可达400度,分辨率可达0.1度,带软件,可以连接电脑方便处理数据,观测熔点测量过程。仪器可用标准品自行校准,并且...
The technical concept including engineering layout and results of a numerical model of the OPTIMELT Plus technology is presented for a full scale container furnace. The TCR system is integrated into the oxy-fuel combustion system and the furnaces can be operated either in oxy-fuel firing, or TCR...
The technical concept including engineering layout and results of a numerical model of the OPTIMELT Plus technology is presented for a full scale container furnace. The TCR system is integrated into the oxy‐fuel combustion system and the furnaces can be operated either in oxy‐fuel firing, or ...
The OPTIMELT Thermo-Chemical Regenerator (TCR) technology stores waste heat from the hot flue gas and uses this energy to reform a mixture of natural gas and recirculated flue gas to hot syngas. The TCR system has successfully reduced natural gas and oxygen consumption by 15 to 18% relative ...
oxy-fuel glass furnaceheat recovery technologyOPTIMELTsyngas fuelA. GonzalezGrupo Pavisa, S.A. de C.V., Naucalpan, Edo. MéxicoE. SolorzanoGrupo Pavisa, S.A. de C.V., Naucalpan, Edo. MéxicoC. LagosPraxair México S de RL de CV, Col. San Salvador Xochimanca, México D.F.G. Lugo...