In 2010, the International Osteoporosis Foundation released a position paper on recommendations for Vitamin D nutrition in elderly men and women [26]. In 2012, the European Food Safety Authority released the revised Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (upper limits [ULs]) of Vitamin D for all relevant...
D supplementation duration to reach an adequate or optimal Vit. D status and its effect on lipid profile. Methods: In this longitudinal study, 345 women with different status of Vit. D levels were enrolled and followed up for one year. Eligible participants received 50,000 IU Vit. D3 (...
For the last 4 months I have been on iodine worked up to 50mg daily (lugols) blood test awaiting for complete thyroid check. Along with companion nutrients (selenium, vit c) along with mag/cal/boron/, lysine, b complex and naicin, omega 3/6 ratio correction in my diet and removed as...
T. glabrata grew very poorly at pH above 6-4 on Sabouraud's dextrose broth, although when inoculated into media with a fairly high pH this was lowered to a level when growth occurred profusely. Candida albicans grew well at high pH. A case is reported of a 78-yr.-old widow with a ...
These differences were explained on the basis of an age-related decrease in thyroid hormone clearance, a decrease in lean body mass, or hormonal differences between pre- and post-menopausal women. Other factors may be age-related comorbidities, polypharmacy commonly encountered in the elderly, and ...
selenium —that have been studied in animal models in relation to fetal alcohol syndrome . The question these authors pose is an interesting one: What is the potential of preventing or at least mitigating the severity of the disorder, by providing nutrient supplementation for pregnant women who ...